Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We arrived in Porto, Portugal at approximately 11:00am on Sunday, Augu ast 17th, after a grueling train ride. Our first train originated in Madrid, Spain and left at about 10:30pm. Our car said “turismo”, which I now understand to mean "uncomfortable". We had seats that were in a group of four and faced each other. At first, the whole train was full with the exception of the seats directly in front of us. We began to get excited until at the last minute, a couple came lunging onto the car and claimed the seats in front of us. We did all we could to settle in and get comfortable for the seven and one half hour ride. About half way through, and to our surprise, the couple got out, leaving us the seats in front of us to stretch out on. A premature excitement overcame us, as even with the extra space, we each had an extremely restless night.

Right at 7:00am, as scheduled, the train stopped at its next station. The station was to be Porrino, our connecting station for our next train to Porto. It was dark outside, freezing cold, and the "train station" was essentially a piece of concrete along the tracks with a closed down, broken down building (shed) with no bathrooms, no attendants and no way to get inside. As we stopped, we asked people on the train if this was Porrino and they all said yes. Reluctantly, very reluctantly, we gathered our things and got off the train into the freezing air of this dark and lonely station. It was basically Idalis, me and this older, Spanish gentleman, just standing there, waiting for a train that we weren't sure was coming. However, much to our surprise, at 8:05am, exactly as scheduled, a train pulled up going in the opposite direction with an illuminated sign reading "Porto". We survived!

About three hours later, we arrived in Porto, otherwise known as O'Porto, the home of the popular, and incredibly expensive, Port wine. Port wine is a sweet wine, usually served after dinner, and is red in color and judged by its clarity. The clearest of the Port wines is usually in the neighborhood of 40 years old and is known as Port 'd Oro, or Port of Gold. Much like the wine, the City of Porto is also very fine and the people sweet. We arrived on a Sunday and aside from the tourists, there was not much going on. It was a bit shocking to see no local action. In fact, it was slightly depressing at first. Don't get me wrong, the city is incredibly impressive. After exploring, we realized that there were two parts of the city, one on either side of the river. There are five bridges that connect the two sides and the two sides are drastically different. It almost seems as if the river is equivalent to "the tracks". On one side, the historic, and slightly deteriorating, part of the city, 0n the other, the very posh and newly renovated and constructed part of the city with the large, rich Port wine dealers. I kept telling Idalis that it seemed as if the historic portion of Porto was the victim of a recent war. Despite the incredible beauty and breathtaking architecture, there is a large quantity of buildings that are deteriorating and in disrepair. There is also an underbelly of drugs and poverty. At no time did we feel unsafe, but it is very clear that there is a level of disparity in this city. We were more relieved on our following day, Monday, to find that the city had awakened and come alive. The sky was clear, the weather was beautiful and all the businesses were open and thriving and the locals and tourists were inhabiting the streets. It was a stark contrast from the day before and a perfect demonstration of the stark contrasts that comprise the city of Porto.

Next stop is Lisbon, Portugal. Please continue to follow along and please do not be afraid to post a comment, which can be done, anonimously if you wish, by clicking on the "comments" link below each post. It is always a great pleasure to hear from all of you and it usually makes our day!


Anonymous said...

Hey wasnt there a car back in the 80s called a turismo, i think made by dodge that was small and uncomfortable if i recall, so i believe your translation is right. I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know i am following you along, thinking of you both. Please be careful, enjoy the cities you visit and by all means take pictures. Bye for now....

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased you two had  safe travels to Portugal,inspite of your discomfort...were you prepared for the weather? Kevin your post had me in suspense, the train station was described as..."the twilight zone" But it's nice to hear that the transportation system is on time...and the people are friendly, embrace their kindness...and pass it on. PS. will I see pics? Stay wise... stay safe. LUV ya both!(Having trouble signing in)

Anonymous said...

Your posts are great. I can sympathise with your uncomfortable train ride :)
If you have access to a computer on a regular basis, consider joining 'face book'. It is Armano's favirote method of staying in touch with everyone.

Gua-ra-na-tie-itis said...

Guaranastinitis is back! Whas poppin Vagalong Blogarians. LOL that sounds like it’s a country and its inhabitants, or maybe a European basketball team. Proud Blogarian of Vagalong City.
Checkin in to see how everything is going for u guys. I had about 1 or 2 months of posting and comments to read up on but I think im all caught up. I str8 up wish we were on vacation like u guys man. Id love Europe, but id settle for anything right now. The Midwest or even Canada for crying out loud. (no offense any Canadians here, u people are my people) Its nice to see that u all are safe and having a good time. I heard of the airplane crash in Spain on CNN today and immediately we thought of u guys but its good to know ur in Portugal, and are nowhere near that plane, or whatever is left of it.
PORT is the bomb diggity Kevin! I lOVE port. I got this Austrailian port called 'Galway Pipe', it probably isnt as fine as the Portugal stuff.. it doesnt even taste like wine. Very sweet and very strong.
Idalis, I took ur advice and read Pillars of the Earth. Good suggestion, I liked it a lot. I haven’t mowed the lawn since I started cuz its so freakin long (1000 pages, paperback) but it was a very good pick.
Stay safe and continue having a blast.

Gua-ra-na-tie-itis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said...

Hmmm... You may be longing for the days of the big comfy trains in Spain once we hit those trains in India!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kids, miss you 2 already..I loved Porto when I was there-this best octopus I have ever eaten!! enjoy the wine!!


vagalong.blogspot.com said...

Wow, looks like this post is back on fire...again. Thanks to all foir chiming in. Must apologize for no pictureas yet. I promise, they are coming. We have been so busy the last few days trying to suck up every bit of Lisbon that we can, we haven't even been able to finish laundry and walk around town smelling like, well, backpackers!

Rami, you are right, though for some reason Gran Tourismo rings a bell. I think it had a back seat!!! Maybe the Dodge designers traveled to Spain!!! Thanks for keeping up, good to hear from you!

Montee, you are back! It was the Twilight Zone, just in Spanish! I hope you and the Big Dog are doing well! Give him a hug for us!

Tom, I can't imagine being as tall as you and having to cram into these trains. Please tell everyone at work I say hello and I miss them. Facebook will probably not happen yet. It is enough work keeping up the posts and constantly trying to book trains, buses and hostels. Especially when the internet is not always easily accessible. Tell Gilda and Jr we say hello!

Yo, fellow Blogarian. Where you been at? We are very glad you are back! Now get out there and cut that grass and don't post again until you are done! I bet your Port was cheaper!!!

Katie, valid point. I will stop complaining...for now! We miss you!

Bill, what a great surprise! How is the building doing without us? Did the new tenants move in? Did you get to meet them? Do you like them if so? We miss you guys. We have had one blah meal in Portugal, the rest have been amazing. I actually ate a fish eye! Please stay in touch and tell Roger hello for us!

Anonymous said...

Oh yah, one more thing - IT'S OFFICIAL NOW!! See you in New Delhi!!!! I'll send more information on the flight to the email later!! Woo hoo!!

Anonymous said...

we had a good day of surf monday,
clean in the a.m. thigh high,
chest high and chunky in the p.m. .
My instincts were to call you, I had to remind myself your gone.
We miss you guys already,but I know your having the time of your lives and were with you both; mind, body, spirt.Love you both; peace, love & happiness. shawn
P.S. stay off the planes in madrid!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys

Great you are on your way in Europe. Of course it is a BIG minus that you miss out on Scandinavia, but can´t see it all - I understand.

Look forward to read more about your European Adventures. And post some photos will ya?! ;-) Will you by chance be in London at some point or Northern Europe, let me know andI will swing by if possible.

Don´t miss out on the Algarve coast. The best fish I tasted ever was there along with great scenery.

Talk to you later and enjoy life and this great journey.

Big virtual hug to both of you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone! It is so wonderful to hear from all of you! Kevin and I look forward to reading the comments whenever we get a chance. Your words are positive and uplifting - they really make our day! Portugal has been AMAZING! We have seriously considered stopping our trip here and spending our days learning Portuguese (me) and surfing (Kevin). Our host, Joao, is the most generous, thoughtful, smart, friendly, noble, etc, etc. person ever! We are extremely lucky to have met him and consider him a dear friend. More on all of that later, just wanted to say hello and thank you all for keeping in touch. Much love and many blessings ... Idalis

P.S. Rami and Andres: So great to hear from my handsome brothers. Where's Adrian? Katie, can't wait to see you in the land of curry! To all of you: Keep on blogging!

Anonymous said...

Pop-a-long said.....
Hello seasoned travelers. I say seasoned for the Winter nights wait at the posh Porrino train station, must have been a real chilling experience. You guys will probably experience plenty of simalar situations as you Spring along with lifes jouneys and into the future.
I'm really glad that you and Idalis decided to live your dream of world travel and are sharing that dream by bringing that dream alive for the rest of us through this blog. I sense that some are drooling as you share the bueaty of your surrondings, the adventure of meeting cultures far different than that of our own, the fellowship of the one you love (Idalis), the different exotic foods (eyeballs), the appearal of the different cultures, the different geographical areas etc. Gee wish I were there with you.
Oh, by the way where are the pictures?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I fogot

Credit cards have been taken care off.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome! everyone's lining up to get on this blog. nice to hear from shawn, even. i hear he's got a future in hollywood w/ an acting career. way to go man. can i get your autograph? glad to hear you've been out on the waves. seems like everyone's been out except for me. the board is still in the shed. idalis, sorry i haven't been on here in a while. sis, things have been kinda busy and crazy around here. been working a lot, classes start again in two weeks and i've had meetings every week at the college. anxious to start and ready to be done so i can meet you guys somewhere in the pacific islands, hopefully. it seems as though you guys are ironing out some of the wrinkles of this trip. when i heard of your hassles i immediately thought of "..you know this life ain't as hard as it seems...don't let your dreams BE dreams..." (j. johnson). you both will get through whatever obstacle you're faced with, i know it. many tend to quit because of mishaps or what not. and i guess it's easy to do, especially when you're a world away from home. the reward is always greater! so, hang in there. continue to make this dream a reality and enjoy every minute of it.
andres...you always crack me up. i didn't know you liked to read books. isn't "pillars of the earth" the book that idalis was reading while we were out there? it's the size of 3 dictionaries! but from what i remember, the topic sounds great. now cut the grass, bro. when you're done, cut mine.
rami..sup bro. i talked to you the other day. glad you're doing well. i have some news for you. some good, some bad. we touched on some of the "issues" i was facing when we talked that night you were here. new issues now. but i keep my head high. "this too shall pass". by the way, while rami was out here he expressed an interest in learning some guitar skills. looks like he may be the newest addition to the Alvarez Trio. did you get a guitar yet? i have an extra one for you.
katie..any word on the friggin' picture cd....lol. i think it was sabotaged. i hope all is well.
kevin...i've never heard of PORT wine. but i'm sipping on some wine i found on my fridge and i can only hope and pray that it's better than this. it tastes a bit like sweat and smells a bit like dog farts!
peace to everyone, strangers and friends alike. perkins family, a deep 'hello' and 'i miss you'. it means the world to me that my sis and her man have such a great supporting cast. much love...ciao!
ps. for some reason i'm thinking the train ride STILL had to be better than the inflatable mattress.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ps. cuba won the gold in 100 meter hurdles yesterday...i was pretty happy.

Anonymous said...

Me alegro de que ustedes estan teniendo un gran viaje. Las fotos son hermosas. Kevin - Su jubilacion esta sano y salvo!!! La seguridad y la paz a ambos!!!! de el jefe de la jubilacion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dad and I, with Re's help have spent much of the morning making lists (and I do love working off a list) to help us in our trip preparations. A shopping list, things to do list and a things to pack list. I also called vayama this a.m. to be sure I had a seat on each of the flights. The itinerary Dad printed out only showed a seat assignment for him. I am happy to report that I am sitting next to him all the way to Italy and back...and I also found out that the tickets cost 1/2 of what I thought. That made me feel so much better. I love you both :)
Aphrodite is doing well. She definitely misses you both (Did you read her blog entry?), but does not lack for attention.
Jeremy actually brought her water dish to her in the kitchen this morning so she could drink...and was very proud of himself, too!
Once in a while she visits with Milo in the back room. They just lay down at the gate together looking like a comfortable old couple!
It is so wonderful to hear that you are having a better experience in Portugal and your host sounds like a gem.
Everyone here misses you both and sends their love!
Adrian...I'm happy to hear that you are getting back to school and looking forward to it! I always enjoyed school more as an adult. So, hang in there and do your best:) Please give my love to your Mom and Dad. We love and miss you all also.
I must say good-bye for now.
"I thank my God in all my rememberance of you..."
Philipians 1:3 And always keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Heh-no! Heh-no! My-no? Away! Bye-E! (Translation: Hello Uncle Kevin and Tia Idalis! I miss you a great deal and kiss your picture almost every day. I love Aphrodite and am so glad that you left her here for me to love. I do miss you and cannot wait to see more pictures of your trip. I love you and will blog you again soon. Bye for now!)

Anonymous said...

Read World without End, same author, even better than Pillars of the Earth.

Herman said...

What up Kevin & Idalis!! It's been a while since I had checked up on you guys, and I must say that I continue to be compeltely impressed by your writings...but now your verse has some competition from those AWESOME pictures! They look like postcard...hey, maybe they could be and you can sell them to keep the Euros going!?!

Anyhow, just wanted to tell you guys yet again how proud and jealous I am of both of you. Hope your travels are smooth.

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope you return after your trip to the world. Don't forget... www.photobucket.com for the pictures and for general files http://www.humyo.com/pages/en/online-crib-storage
I want to see your pictures of Lisbon!