We have officially been on the road for two weeks now. So, we wanted to do an anniversary addition of the blog. In this post, we hope to entertain you with twenty of the most famous quotes that have blessed our dialogue during our travels. Without further ado and in no particular order, we present, our top twenty travel quotes...
1. “According to the map (insert historical monument) should be right here”
2. “Do you think I can wear this shirt one more time?”
3. “How much money do we have?”
4. “Do these seats recline?”
5. “How much do they actually recline?”
6. “Where are we again?”
7. “What is that smell? Oh, it's me!”
8. “Does this place have WiFi?”
9. “Are you supposed to eat that part?”
10. “Where is the WC (bathroom, head, servicio)?”
11. “Oh, pretty, pretty!”
12. “Do we have to pay extra for that?”
13. “Look, more ham!”
14. “Voce fala Ingles?”
15. “Muchas Gracias!” “Muito Obrigado!” “Grazie!” “Thank you!”
16. “Amor, take a picture of that.”
17. “Mum, move out of the way so I can take the picture.”
18. “How far do you think we walked today?”
19. “Why doesn't the computer work?”
20. “Did you see how small that shower is?”
Well, that is a brief glimpse into our world the last couple of weeks. Things are going well and we still feel strong. We have had a few trying days, but nothing that we were not able to overcome. Communication has been a bit challenging due to issues of time and access. As mentioned in quote number 19, the wonderful computer we purchased only seems to work with WiFi part of the time. Two calls to customer support have not gotten us any closer to resolving the problem. The phone can sometimes be a challenge. We had free international calls at the last hostel, but the hours of access made it hard to call anyone in the states at a reasonable hour, considering the six hour difference. We also understand that the City of Miami Beach has blocked access to our blog. So those of you who I used to work with may now have some difficulty checking in on us. We really hope you try as we would love to hear from you. So far, not many of you have posted and there isn't really a way to see if you are viewing in. As I write this, we are on a bus to Tarifa, Spain, in order to catch a ferry to Tangiers, Morocco, on our way to Rabat, where we hope to get a couple of days of rest by the beach and perhaps a chance to squeeze in some surfing. Yesterday, it was five feet at seven seconds, for those of you who understand surf talk. We miss you all and hope you are doing well. Please stay tuned, as I estimate our Morocco adventures to be the most interesting yet!
Wow, 2 weeks on the road and Kevin already looks like a total scumbag!! Ahahaha! Oh, wait a minute, he always looks like that. Glad to hear you are both alive and well and taking this journey not only for yourselves, but for many of us back home that may not be able to as of yet. Good on ya! Love ya both, not you are not supposed to eat that part. Or are you....?
Hi guys
I am truly enjoying reading the blog, especially the part about Lisboa. Sometimes it is the people we meet on our journeys that make the experience that much better. Can't wait to read about Morroco. Happy belated Birthday, Idalis. I am glad you finally got some rest. Be safe. See you soon somewhere, I hope. Sending lots of good vibes. KarenM
Looks likie this post gets the award for most Surfrider comments!
Josue, this type of travel has truly allowed me to explore my inner, and now outer, scumbag! I love it! Remember? Three days in Costa without a shower!!! We miss and love you both! Please tell Mikey Bones I said whats up, since he doesnt post!
Karen, Barcelona starting September first if you can make it. We plan to be there four days. It would be great to see you. But, if not there, somewhere else then!
Kevin where have you been able to surf so far? How are the beaches in Spain and Porutugal? Did you find a place to rent a board? Idalis, did you go in? I would love to see some pics of the beaches. Did you have a good birthday?
Hi guys! I'm confused...you keep mentioning coffee. Is that just you drinking coffee Idalis or is Kevin actually drinking coffee too???? Well, wonders never cease!! Ha,ha,ha... Take care!!! Much love!
Dude, when you get back here I want to see you in a meeting: ‘Hi my name is Kevin, and I’m a coffee drinker. I like it Black and in a Styrofoam cup!’. Don’t be quitting the delicious habit back in the States! How about more pictures of you and Idalis not just the beautiful buildings. Capture the images of the cramped trains, crappy hostels, euro-trash girls and the lack of sleep in your faces as you wonder the early morning streets . And don’t forget to get a pic of those succulent little French girls you mentioned, those sweet little tarts!! We all want to be right in your back pack and smell your B.O.!!!! Also, how could those MoFo's charge you so much to be seen at a clinic?? I know it's free for Euro citizens but really!!!
Idalis: I hope you have fully recovered from your ear infection!!!
Take care - both of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm...looks like I'm not the only one who picked up on the new habit. Ha,ha,ha,ha...How about with milk and sugar and two little french girls on the side? Ha,ha,ha...
2 weeks on the lamb, eh! happy anniversary! Oh speaking of anniversary, thanks to you 2 I now have to celebrate my month-aversary every 25th.(I'm 2 months behind!)I love the pictures, keep'em commin'.love you both. SK.
Great commentary on traveling. :) Nice pictures! Idalis, "feliz cumpleanos" and you had an ear infection?? ;( No fun! Take care and we'll all be reading more.
Hugs, Randi
Sarah, info on surf included in posts uploaded today. Again; we miss and love you both!
Katie, yes I am drinking coffee! It is just so good and helps to power me through our long days since naps are few and far between and usually on busses where they are not all that enjoyable. Miss and love you!
ANONYMOUS, please sign your comments when posting anonymous so we know who you are. Thanks for the comment regardless!
SK, consider it a legacy that I left for you. Now stop blogging and get shopping!!!
Hi Randi! Thanks for posting! It is great to see you here in our comments section. How are things at Ojus?
Dear Idalis and Kevin,
Wow! I feel like I'm reading a novel of sorts! I am sure you will never regret this journey. :)
Your Ojus family is fine. Lots of changes within the school system, lots of jobs in jeopardy, no paras, no office staff for copies or filing...NO paper or supplies. Nothing we can't handle, just inconveniences. Budget cuts have taken a toll on morale. :( Our ELL #s are VERY low...so we have combo classes. I miss you lots...esp. when I need a reassuring face or smile across the classroom. ;)
Take good care of each other and I hope your ear is doing much better.
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