Welcome back. Once again we have been confined to the use of an internet cafe, albeit we get to use our computer this time, which helps us feel slightly better about buying it. We just finished eating McDonald's, which we only did for the promise of free internet (wifi), only to find out that you had to order a value meal and not just a sundae and a cone, after we ordered, of course. Now I have an upset stomach and I am paying for internet service! Oh well, at least the readers will be entertained.
I must say, I have never walked so much in my entire life. Of course we could take the Metro everywhere, but then we couldn't eat, cause as the title of this blog states, these Euros are eating our dollars! Idalis sat down to do a budget as I slept and woke me to advise that we are way over budget! We are hoping that Portugal and Morocco help to offset our expenses. Without knowing it, we ate a meal last night that cost as much as our hostel! I suppose it was still better than trying to eat a mattress!
Today's activities found us wandering in the Parque del Buen Retiro, the Central Park of Madrid. Absolutely beautiful, with so much activity and so many things to do. We spent the day wandering around, lying in the sombra (shade) and photographing the many fuentes (fountains) that this city has to offer. Afterwards, we smuggled a bottle of wine, some jamon, cheese and bread into the Jardin Botanico (Botanical Garden) and had an impromptu picnic. It was the first taste of wine we have had since entering Spain and cost a mere 2,75 Euros! A deal at twice the price. It was marvelous! Tonight, we sit in a quiet, lonely, little internet cafe and plan on securing accommodations for Porto, Portugal. We purchased our one way train tickets yesterday at the magnificent train station, Atocha. It even has a mall inside!
We've seen the ducks, we've seen the lakes, we've seen the buildings and we've seen the many plazas and we've eaten the tapas, now it is time for us to go. We have one last day in Madrid and will spend it wandering around the shops of Puerta del Sol, packing and perhaps doing some laundry, though to be honest, we have only worn two outfits each in four day's time. They should be able to smell us in Porto before we arrive!
!Hasta Luego!
Never really got the chance to say fare winds and fare sea to the both of you, wishing you well, health and enjoyment.
Hello, my precious travelers.
Well, once again, Dad and I found ourselves saying good-bye to a traveling child. You all definitely inherited "wanderlust" from your DeNeen grandparents! It has been so wonderful (and comforting) reading your blog entries and emails.
Your excitement is contagious. Madrid sounds beautiful, the sights, the sounds, the people and even a McDonald's!?. It only makes me more anxious for our meeting in Italy! And it won't be long now. Dad and I are going to try to find time this weekend to sit and do some planning and list making to help us in our preparation for travel.
Thankfully this has been a really busy week and that has been good for all of us. That does not, however, keep us from missing you and every once in a while I feel a little sad but more than anything, I know that you are having a great adventure, living out a dream and we are all really excited for you both.
I know that although you are far from home, you are in God's care and also taking care of each other.
That makes it easier for us who are left behind not to worry about you.
"...May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other." Genesis 31:49
I love you both:)
The picnic sounds beautiful and romantic! Idalis, how is the present I bought for you? Have you been able to enjoy it yet? Madrid sounds beautiful. Today is Sat and I am going into the school to finish up some things before Monday. I am excited about meeting my new bunch. I'll tell you all about it soon. Today I am going to Kevon's first football game. I am excited for him. Well, I miss you already, we can't have the gabba gabba girls club without you so I will just gabba gabba on your blog. I love you both and wish you a pleasant stay in Portugal.
Bunkeport, I was hoping you could have said it in person, perhaps over lunch. But I am glad to hear from you and thank you very much!
Mom, based on today´s events, I offer the folliwng advice...make sure you call your credit card company and give them the exact dates that you will be abroad; consider paying ahead any bills that may be pending while you are away; pack lightly; bring lots of cash! We cannot wait to be reuinted with you and if Italy is anything like Spain, I think you will be impressed! We are constantly saying how you or dad would love this or that as we see the most amazing things.
Sarah, we had to sell your gift to afford our internet access bills! So, I am doing all the work for now!!!
Love you all,
Kevin and Idalis
Well, seems you worldly travelers are gaining *other* experiences that are sure to make you wiser & stronger along your way.The pics are beautiful,(hummm, you don't look smelly) keep 'em coming! LUV YA BOTH!
hi kevin & idalis! this is "aunt" gina. just stopping by to say hello. i hope all is going well and you are both having a great time in europe. i so wish i was there!
i just read this post and unfortunately eric & i found ourselves in a few mcdonald's when we were in europe too. it's an unfortunate necessisity sometimes. if you guys get to paris, there is a mcdonalds there with free wifi...grr...i wish i remebered the street it was on. well, again, i hope this finds you both well and i will check back in with you both soon!
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