With all the chaos that is whirling around our heads these days, with only ten days until take off, it is hard to believe that we actually found the time to make modifications to our exteriors! However, we did. We took a 'Ferris Bueler's Day Off' and in between the various number of errands that we had been running, for several days in a row, we got tatted and pierced. Idalis had been wanting to get her nose pierced for some time. However, due to her obligations to the Dade County School Board, she never felt quite able to pull it off without appearing to become less responsible. Go figure! As for me, I have been shunning responsibility for some time now so I was a go for a new tattoo. I had taken my parents to a web site that gives exact coordinates for various locations throughout the globe. I asked them to point the cursor at the exact location where I had been born and thus the coordinates, latitude and longitude, have made their way onto my feet. It took me until the absolute last minute to decide exactly where to put them and I owe it all to the combined effort of Idalis and Katie. Idalis says that this way 'my feet will always guide me home.' I felt like it was more of a 'if lost, return to sender!'
Things are really cranking now and I think it is fair to say that Idalis and I are both a hot mess! Just after I was starting to feel like we were getting somewhere, I got some bad news. First, it looks like our little pug, Aphrodite, has osteo- arthritis in her two rear hips and 'grade-four' gum disease. Now, both of us will be taking glucosamine each morning and one of us will be getting a deep root cleaning. Aphrodite's next follow up appointment will be on Monday, August 11th. That will be the day before we leave, for those of you who are following along. The other bit of malinformation was delivered by our State Farm agent, with a smile I might add. Apparently after 22 years of consistent and timely insurance payments, on my behalf, they are completely unable to accomodate our request to cover my sister to drive our car and be insured while we are away. Therefore, we must now pay to transfer tag and title to my sister only to have to transfer it back to us again upon our return. Leave it to beaurocracy to tap one's wallet dry! I am glad I sold the Jeep (thanks Eddy, enjoy!) and don't have to give them another cent!
The apartment is close to empty and we have been sleeping on the couch bed, which will soon reside in our friend Rick's house, and spending the night on the floors and couches of friends and family, all the while living out of bags. Good practice, I suppose. Never in a million years would I have guessed how involved a process it is to disappear! Thanks to the complexities that modern man has bestowed upon himself, and us, the work to prepare never seems to end. At this point, I feel as if it will take a miracle to get us on that plane, but get on that plane we will. Believe it or not, we only recently secured a reservation for our first night in Madrid (thanks Mum!). Stick around folks, things are about to get interesting!
For those of you who have been following this blog, you are starting to realize that I have somehow become philisophical. So, let me continue, lest I disappoint the readership. The newest lesson is a lesson in clarity. I think it is safe now to say that we have pretty much become single track minded, in a good way. What I mean is that we have pretty much managed to dissolve all aspects of life that do not directly correlate to this trip. In doing so, a lot of the customary clutter in our lives has been eliminated. This, in turn, has allowed us to streamline thought, eliminate clutter and refine focus. You would be absolutely amazed at how receptive the mind becomes once it is devoid of distraction. Another way of putting it is that we have actually become kind of good at recognizing signs and listening to that little voice in our heads. When something is good and right and in line with the powers of the universe (What?), then things just fall into line. Such has been the case with this dream of ours. The more we just allow things to happen and follow our instincts, the less resistance we meet on our path. I assume this is the goal of meditation and the concept behind nirvana. I am fairly certain that it can be applied in all aspects of life or any goal or dream. I suppose the simplest way to put it is, practice not doing and everything will fall into place.
The more of them you take, the more you leave behind. What are they??????
welcome back from your trip to carolina. as if you weren't smart already, now you have a tricked out title after your name. i can't begin to tell you how proud i am of you and all of your accomplishments throughout your life. i'm sure it hasn't been easy. hell, i've only been in school for the passed 4 years trying to earn a two year degree. i tip my hat to you for having that sort of dedication and desire to accomplish everything you set out to do, including this trip. a few minutes ago i did something i hardly ever do: i sat down to watch an episode of "trauma, life in the E.R". it seems to convince me that emergency medicine is where i want to be. and i continue to work towards that. i only wish you the best in all of your endevours and goals. congratulations on the nose piercing. very nifty! but i thought you had one before, no? i remember your constant comments about the "handsome alvarez brothers". well, you're beautiful, sis. great things come in 'short' packages. a nose ring just up'd your value. querida idalis: cuenta con mi respaldo, siempre. te extrano.
that is the coolest idea for a tat. and the feet couldn't have been a better spot. at work the other day a younger lady came in sporting a tattoo reading "baby phat" (only in vineland!). only she weighed close to 300 pounds. i'm speechless! vaya, hombre.
ps. state farm can shove it!
that sux about aphrodite. one of my dogs has a disorder called H.O.D. don't ask me what that stands for 'cause i'll just make something up. but it's a disorder of his joints. so i know exactly what you're going through. it just sucks that it's bad news so close to your trip. but keep your heads up. aphrodite will do well with treatment. now the whole teeth thing? geez, isn't there listerine for dogs or something! chewing gum or something, anything. our dogs get their teeth brushed like humans do. they even use MY toothbrush...joking. call me crazy, but i really don't mind dog breath. and i've heard, not sure where, that a dogs mouth is the cleanest part of their body?!?!
hang in there as your trip approaches. all the sacrifices that you've made will surely be rewarded. if you need a few air mattresses for the days to come, mom has one of the best ones i've ever slept on. it even elevates your legs for increased blood return to your heart and brain!...thanks to a small leak, of course. honestly, i think everyone reading your blogs walk away with a different outlook on things and a sense of direction as well. i know it has for me, for sure. "if nothing is everything, then i will have it all" (eddie vedder) has become the banner representing your life right about now. you're gaining so much by cutting it all out...shaving it away. continue to do so, and we will continue to learn...in the meantime, we will continue to follow.
ps. the disc of all the pictures taken while i was out there is in the mail, headed your way. i also sent a copy for katie. please make sure she gets it. she's been harrassing me about it. j/k. but thanks. ciao!
Hey guys! Consider yourself blessed - it is much easier to disappear when you aren't surrounded by so many people who care about you. Don't worry, one more week and all the chaos and errands and preparations will all be behind you and you will be on your way, taking pictures out of the airplane window as Miami gets smaller and smaller and smaller and...
By the way, I didn't know showing up in NJ and pounding on the door and demanding a copy of the pictures was considered harassment! My bad! Sorry about that Adrian! Hee,hee - just kidding!
Much love to you all!
What is full of holes but holds water?
You are the best. An awesome soul! I cannot tell you what a pleasure it was to have you and your family visit. Whenever I get caught up in all of the chaos that comprises around the world preparations, I think back to the quiet and peaceful period when we had eight people in this small apartment and it makes me feel calm and relaxed. You are right, your sister is awesome and quite the achiever. She will be very honored to know how proud you are of her. Aphrodite will be fine. She will be staying with the best grandparents alive and the vet said that her condition can only be enhanced by a steady flow of cheese and doritos! I must say, I will not be letting her use my toothbrush! I wish you the very best in your effort to be the best care giver. I think your great attitude and amazing character will award you success! Stay in touch, reading your comments is always a great pleasure. I think I may be giving you administrative rights to the blog very soon!
Somehow I do not think the chaos will end. It will simply follow us around the world. It is, however, a much better chaos than that dished out by the City for the last few years! Thanks for being such a great friend and supporting our every move. By the way, come by when you get a chance and pick up the slow cooker. Also, we will be looking forward to you pounding on our door (harassing us) in India! See you Friday.
Answer: a sponge
Adrian...Sometimes it takes us longer to get where we're going than we'd like (four years to get a two year degree). The important thing is that you are moving in the right direction. It is so easy to picture you as a care taker...you seem to be so very tenderhearted.
God Bless You...and keep moving forward!
wicked! I had my nose pierced for a long time - I got it in new zealand. She looks so cute with it!I love the nose piercing...can't wait to get back out of corporate to do it again! I still have my 3 favorite piercings - hoop with pink gem, black / silver star and blue dot waiting for reviving!
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