It's been sixteen months and eighteen countries, and now, we have approached a monumental milestone...our 100th blog entry. Well, not wanting to just continue with the same old boring stories and horrible photos, we wanted to do something a little special to mark the occasion. So, after some thought (well not much, actually) we came up with an idea. We will each try to summarize what this trip, and traveling, has meant to us, or done for us, or what we've learned in exactly 100 words. So, without further ado, let the word counting begin.
Before starting this trip, I mistakenly thought traveling consisted of checking off “must see” places: Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, Uluru, etc. Thankfully, the texture is more complex: laughter on a balcony, the smell of fresh cardamom, crunchy red dirt under my feet, and the feeling of soft sheep's wool on my fingers. But mostly, it's been about the amazing people we've met along the way and the ones we anxiously look forward to seeing and hugging when we go home. Borrowing words from another for my own one hundred, “What is the most important thing in life? People, people, people.”
When this trip around the world was just an idea I was already perusing the
reaches of my mind to try and determine what would be different and how I would change. For good or bad, I am the same person I was before I left. However, traveling has ignited emotions. It has allowed me to gaze on some of the most spectacular natural scenery. It has showed me the that man is capable of great achievements and horrible atrocities. It has taught me appreciation for my life, my friends, my family, my health, my opportunities and my great fortune.
We have decided that this post may be the best forum with which to make an announcement. No, we're not pregnant! In order to enter New Zealand you must show proof that you are also leaving. So, after much consideration and discussion, we decided to present New Zealand immigration with an onward plane ticket. Instead of taking us to some far off land, it will be taking us back to Miami, home. By the time we arrive in good 'ole MIA, we will have chocked up visits to 18 countries in 4 continents over 1 year, 6 months, 9 days, 3 hours and 21 minutes time. Not a bad run! We are a little sad that one dream is coming to an end, but we are elated to be returning to our friends and family. But, we are already working on cooking up some new adventures!!!
What are you saying? Are you guys finished your travels, or is this just a break? When will you be back here? Either way I know I speak for everyone here, we are looking forward to seeing you two again.
I'd like to celebrate that this is my 100th Vagalong Blog Post read. My memories??? Well some were too long, some were too short. India was scary at times (and I wasn't even there); Man, Greece was killer! All of these entries were so much appreciated and loved!
For some of us it was a way to make sure you were alive and well. For some of us it was a chance to be jealous and happy at the same time. For all of us it was an opportunity to travel the world with you. We were there with you at every stop and we'll be here for you when you arrive. From a loyal reader: Thank you, Happy Holidays, and safe travels home!
--Man the holidays are getting to me. sniff, sniff! Ahahaha, but I'm still raw!! ahahaha
Happy 100th!!! Was an amazing journey it has been; It has been wonderful to get to know you both more and more eventhough you are so far away. It is not often that you get to peer into the lives and and thoughts of anyone, let alone great friends. Thank you for packing us all in you bags!
Idalis and Kevin...
May I just add my thoughts to the celebration of your 100th blog entry?
What a journey it has been even for the vagalongers...your faithful blog readers. Thank you for each entry, no matter how long or short. Thank you, also, for each picture...and for me, especially the ones with your two beautiful faces in them.
Thank you for loving the people you have met and the countries and sights you have seen. Thank you for being respectful in countries not your own. Thank you for remembering to thank God for the blessing of being able to see such a grand dream fulfilled.
Thank you for making your parents proud for the beautiful, conscientious, caring, thoughtful and resourseful adults you have grown to be. Thank you for taking care of each other along the way.
As Josue said, this blog has been a way for us to know that you were alive and well, and a little bit jealous of and happy for you, all at the same time.
As Laura said, thank you for taking us along with you as you traveled.
And Rami, is so right! We anxiously await your arrival home.
One more thing...Thank you for wanting to come home to us.
I LOVE you and look forward to showering you with hugs, and kisses!!! HOORAY!
Joy and Di here!!!
Joy still has the camera out and editing photos. She has some awesome shots of you guys which she will email. Thanks for the laughs along the Hooker Valley with Mt Cook watching over us. Nelson awaits your visit. Away on the 11th - 16th Jan so hopefully you can come and stay and have some Aussie/Kiwi hospitality
hi kevin & idalis
im back in mumbai on a months lve ,we are expecting a baby anytime now. we went thru ur latest blog, interesting way to summarise, we too are planning a trip to thailand next yr wit the baby i.e if we save someting. aNYTHIN U WANT FROM INDIA plz feel free to tell us.
Josue is full of it. He never read a post he only looked at the pictures!
Only thing better than reading your amazing posts will be hearing about it over beers at Zeeks!
This blog has served as a portal into your dreams. We are indebted to the both of u for taking us along. When u laughed, we laughed. When u hurt, we hurt. You were the reason for my every smile this passed year and a half. For every stone u turned, every door u unlocked we thank u. Now vagalong ur asses back home....there's music to be played. "..I try to understand what I can't hold in my hand and whatever I find, I'll find my way back to you..home is wherever we are if there's love there too.."
Hey there!
First of all congratulations, you guys are seriously awesome!
I really enjoyed the hiking adventure back in Nepal with you and I am happy that you're fine. You have had a wonderful journey and I am sure that you will always carry it in your heart. I do absolutely agree with both of your comments on traveling, it's all about the people and the small perfect moments.
I will soon be on my way again, even if it's just for 2 weeks in Japan, but it's definitely better than nothing. I am having an awesome time in Tokyo though, it is such a crazy city with so many crazy gotta see it one day!
Well anyway, I hope you guys are fine, hope I'll see you again one day and even if not, it was a pleasure to meet you!
Yes, we will be coming home . . . on February 21st! It has been a blessed, long run and we look forward to the rest of our travels equally as hugging all of you when we get back! If you think YOU enjoy the blog, it is our life-saver. It is our only link to all of you, our loved ones back home! We love you all and can't wait to hash it all out over a cold beer, glass of red wine, or cuppa' tea! Thank you for all the encouragement and support that comes through those cyber lines! Stay tuned . . . there are still more adventures to be had here in "God's Country."
Congratulations K & I !!!!
I have loved reading your if they were "the hottest novel" on the market. So many times my husband has caught me laughing or oh-ing out loud AND THE PHOTOS forget about it.....they transport me to where ever yous are :)
i look forward to seeing you both & hearing in person all your wonderful tales & adventures!!!
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