Monday, October 5, 2009 6:43 PM
Perth, Western Australia
Our first sight of Australia was not the warm, sunny welcome we were expecting. Our uncomfortable, red-eye flight from Bali to Perth arrived at 4am. Weary and exhausted, we were shocked out of our slumber by the cold and rain of Perth. Our next flight to Adelaide would not be for another 22 hours so after a few hours of deliberation (and clearing skies), we decided to brave the elements to explore Western Australia's cosmopolitan city. We left our bags in lockers, found the local bus, and made our way (Kevin's surfboard in tow) to the center of town.
The first thing we noticed on boarding the bus and looking out the window was that there was no one on the streets. We knew Australia was known for its wide, open spaces, but this was different. We saw houses and streets, but no people. Where was everyone? Where were the cars? It looked something like the movie set of “The Day After.” Very weird . . .
The first thing we looked for once arriving in the center of town (empty) was the nearest tourism information office. After inquiring about where we could leave the surfboard (“Just around the corner!”) and why the streets were so empty, we got our answer. “Queen's Birthday. It's not really her birthday (her real birthday is in June) but that's when we celebrate it. Most of our shops and restaurants are closed. Some restaurants are open, but you may have to pay an extra holiday tax for service.”
Just our luck! The one day we had in Perth was the one day everything was shut down! Regardless, we made the best of it. We walked through the downtown area and admired the clean streets, green spaces, and scooter-free roads. A big change from Southeast Asia! We had our first hot meat pies on Hay Street, admired the Swan River, and eventually had a snooze at the tranquil hilltop of Kings Park. After a nice, hot dinner at a Korean restaurant, we made our (freezing) way back to the airport and . . . waited. Our flight to Adelaide didn't leave until 2am, so we still had hours to wait. We've gotten good at this (and at sleeping in very uncomfortable positions) and eventually made it on the plane and to Adelaide.
Adelaide, South Australia
Kevin and I have gotten (kind of) used to being strangers in a strange land. Arriving in a new country, we always have to switch gears, learn new customs, try new foods, and speak a new language. We have to do this immediately, with little to no guidance. No one to greet us or show us around, we fumble our way through, doing the best we can.
Imagine our delight at arriving in Adelaide, seeing our friend Nic's warm smile greet us at the airport. It's been our best welcome yet! We originally met Nic in Turkey and crossed paths again several times while traveling in India. We agreed to meet again in Australia, where we planned to do a road trip together. Seeing her familiar face and being able to speak English again has made for a very smooth transition into Australia, even if they drive on the wrong side of the road ;)
Our time in Adelaide has been great. It's a beautiful city, with green parks, rolling hills, and a lively downtown area. It's been the ideal place for us to recoup, relax, and prepare for our six week road trip. Nic's father, Manfred, has been a wonderful host, and has taught us a lot about the history of this unique town. Nic took us on a walking tour of the city's downtown, which has funky shops, an amazing central market, as well as dignified buildings. We were able to buy a new camera. Yay! We visited the Adelaide Botanic Garden, and later on had a nighttime view of the twinkling city lights from the top of one of its lookout points. We were here for one of the many festivals Adelaide hosts, Oz Asia, and watched bizarro Chinese dances and lit lanterns at night. We have enjoyed pie floaters (meat pies floating in hot pea soup – delicious!), our first kangaroo steaks (OMG!), and lots of local wine from the Barossa Valley, which we did a wine tour of. We visited four wineries, including Jacob's Creek and Penfold's, and didn't dare spit out a drop of the stuff! The lush scenery here is wonderful, full of leafy hills and farmed valleys. I've never seen so many happy cows and sheep in my life!
Tomorrow we anxiously begin our six week road trip through the central Australian Outback, and will eventually head east to the ocean. We will be loading up the car with camping gear, food, clothes, and most importantly, a full bottle of chocolate port purchased locally. Adventure and campfire nights await!
Hooray!!! A new post!
Australia sounds wonderful already. I am so happy that you finally made there. Please post lots of pictures along the way. Dad will love that!
Oh, how I wish we were all there with you. It has been just over a year since we left you in Italy, and joining you in Australia for another road trip ...I can only imagine. I suppose that after a couple of weeks there, Jeremy would be a world class 2 year old surfer!!!
How nice that you had a friend pick you up at the airport in Adelaide and a family to spend time with. Thanks,
to Nic and her Dad for getting you off to a good start.
I am the only one awake, and can hardly wait for Jeremy and I to sit together and pour over your pictures.
So, enjoy your road trip and remember to stay on the right or is it left side of the street.
Everyone here sends their love and many you don't hear from are following your blog just the same.
As always...much love...ReAnne is already planning the menu for your welcome home party!!! Looking forward to a reunion of the Alvarez and Perkins clans and all our honorary family members and friends.
Stay :)
Good on ya'!! You made it to Australia. Adelaide is a beautiful city and was probably my fav when we were there. Awesome!
Six weeks in the Outback is hardcore!!! Have fun and be safe. Around this time of year Down Under, everything that can bite and kill you is waking up from a loooooong winter slumber; waking up HUNGRY!!!! Haha. Just Kidding. No seriously, be safe! Hehe! (Seriously!)
I hope you get a chance to spend some time with some of the care-takers of the land (aboriginals) out there. Incredible history. Everyone talks of the sunset at Uluru, but catch at least one sunrise out there too!
You lucky dogs! But, we've been saying that for the last year and a half!!
Holla and Enjoy!
Vagamom, you got me!!! Check the times on the posts. Neither of us was up when I started typing. Haha. 2nd ain't so bad :)
Kev and Idalis, did you ever think your blog would start stir such a competitive spirit back home? Obviously, many of us are hooked on the blog!
Sorry Josue...six little minutes:)
It is fun to be first, isn't it!!!
I don't care when I make an entry anymore. I'm just glad to see a new blog and all of the exciting things you two have been able to do. Of course all of the boring time waiting too. I hardly recognized you in one of the pictures, the one where you are sitting down and having a meal. I think your anadaomy has moved a litte in the picture with the pee stream lol. ;>() Great to read that your friend "Nic" met you at the airport and was able to show you around. Really great to have Friends isn't it? A six week tour into the outback with all of the adventure that will go along with it. Can't wait to read furture blogs. Please don't camp to close to some of the watering holes they harbor "Crocs" and I don't want to tell you of the stories I've heard about with Crocs and people. It would be cool to see some pictures of Crocs, and kangaroos and other special type creatures on the blog, along with the great scenery and of course pictures of the two of you. For the road trip: are you renting a car or van? Our you planning this trip on your own or did you get professional advice? I was wondering if you would ever make it to Australia. Bring me back a pet rock "Gold Nugget" I will take real good care of it. I promise. lol ;>O Seems like Josue and your mom seem to have a little competition going on leaving comments on the blog. Hey maybe its more than the two of them. Well I think I've said enough so I will wish you a fare the well and be safe "Mates"
Love Pop-a-Long
aaaaahhh!!! Australia, I am so excited for you! I'm trilled that you are getting some Outback time. The class bell just ran so must run but love the hair, love the smiles, and can't wait for you guys to hit a dust storm in the Outback... good luck.
Love all the tasty tidbits re: food, culture and waves. ;) Did I tell you Andrea has begun to surf? Sorry to hear about the earthquake but glad you were okay. Love the pics and love the reflections.
Dude! Did you cut your hair?
Welcome back to civilsation once again. Guess you will be going to NZ too. A former collegue of mine lives there now and loves is. If you head there it could be funny if you could give him and insult from .hehe
All the best and get those pictures uploaded to Flickr so you got backup.
Nice picture Kevin of you taking a leak! You've gotten so .. lean wow and you always talk about food so where is it going? I am glad you met up with a familiar face, traveling for so long it seems it would feel good to be able to kick back with a friend and enjoy some english conversation so I am happy for you! Good luck with the outback! Toss a boomerang for me!
Vagamom, Yes, a new post. Sometimes it takes more effort than you could imagine. We will start working on the new one today! Hope Jeremy likes the pictures. So wish you guys could be here to enjoy this with us. It is amazing here. In many ways, much like areas of the US. A treat to see! As mentioned in my email, you and Dad need to save some cash, take a long time off and get over here and travel this country in a motor home. There is an amazing outdoor culture here, everybody camps and there are more camp sites than hotels. You would absolutely love it! Love and miss you and hope you get to tenjoy the Outback one day too. We will help you learn how to speak Australian to get you prepared! Love and miss you and look forward to our welcome home meal!!!!
Josue, if you ask me, you and my Mom need to get a bit more sleep. We have no idea how this wole competition thing started, especially considering we aren't giving away any prizes!!! Adelaidewas a beautiful city. Lots of European influence in the architecture, uber friendly people and some of the most beautiful, and abundant, park lands I have ever seen. As close to perfect as cities come. Anything else you recommend we do while here? We will head to Uluru in a couple days and I will do my best to get up early enough to catch a sunrise! The aboriginal history here runs surprisingly similar to the history of our very own indians. In many cases it seems to have a rather sad ending. A very spirtual and animistic cultre that is caught amidst a rapid developing of western culture. In both cases, it may be genereations before they get back to good! We've already had some interesting encounters with deadly fauna. Most of which are minute in size. The big stuff we expect to encounter once reaching Darwin! We will continue to do our best to look unattracive and unpaletable! Holla!
Pop-a-long, my anatomy has changed a bit. I recently got a hair cut and I have been hovering somewhere around 73kilos (approx. 160lbs), compared to the 180 plus I was before leaving. It is not from a lack of eating good food, probably from all the steps we still seem to be climbing!!! It is great to have friends nd we have made quite a few good ones, not to mention all the great ones we have back home. In one breath you tell me not to camp near crocs, but you also want a picture of one. I will do my best to wal that thin line! Our new camera takes great pictures and is water proof, so I will definitely try to get some good pics up for everyone. We are doing our Outback tour in our friend Nic's car. We managed to get everything we need to survive in the trunk and the one empty back seat. Living and camping with you and Mom trained me for this very moment! I did not seek professional advice, I know everything, remember! Funny that you should mention it, but I happened to find your pet rock today. It is not gold, but what it is will have to remain a surprise. Let's just say, you may not want this one to end up in the fish tank!!! Love and miss you, but must get back to picture taking!
Laura, you work too much!!! Better get those album sales up! Haven't seen a proper dust storm yet, but we have seen some amazing pictures of them. We are in Coober Pedy at the moment and apparently, amongst having summers in the 130 degree range and winter in the minuse, they also seem to have recently had a hail storm and a super dust storm that moved through and clouded out Sydney for three days. Amazing! Be well and take care of my homeboy!
Hey Randi, welcome to te club. As you may have read, you will have to at least once caim the title of first to comment! Glad to hear about Andrea taking up the sport that I love so much. Hope to be doing some more as soon as we reach the coast. The earthquake was actually not that bad and we are able to check that one of the list. More tidbits to follow so please stay tuned.
Brother Brian, welcome back! Yes, I actually cut off thirteen inches before we left, cut it again while in Greece and just cut it in Bali leaving the Asia growth behind. Thought all that hair wold be hard to travel with and did not want my back pack to be filled up with "product"! Oz has been a very welcome return to civilization. One of the first things we did was go to the Adelaide market and get wine, cheese, olives and pepperoni. It was delicious. Howevr, believe it or not, I have been craving noodles lately...go figure! We will head to NZ and we have heard it is wonderful, oh, and of course I would be more than happy to pass on an insult!!! By the way, the pics are backed up on a thumb drive, but I had just not gotten to doing the Bali ones, despite Idalis'constant pleas! Wish I listened better!!!!
Spicey Sarah, I think it all goes to my feet and ears! I think I may actually be thinner than Shawn these days, well at least everything except my legs (hehehe!) Having meaningful conversations in English that do not end in a request for money have been a great relief. The Aussies are great an have been so fun to talk to. We are actually starting to understand what they are saying!!! I will not only toss a boomerang for you, I will also toss back a few Coopers!!! Love, hugs and kisses from yor friends on the other side of the world!
leave my legs outta this!! GOOD'ay MATE!!!! peace, love, happiness & health S.K.
This football timeout was brought to you by the boyz at ANNIE UP!
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