It was Saturday morning as we boarded Air Asia flight FD3701, bound for Bangkok (BKK), departing from Noi Bai airport in Hanoi. We were both in shock at how fast our trip through Northern Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam came to an end. It seemed as if we had been planning this leg of the journey for so long and now it was all over. I believe that it is safe to say that we pretty much enjoyed, with the exception of our journey to Cat Ba Island, and took advantage of every minute. Most everywhere we went, people were incredibly friendly and hospitable, the food, for the most part, was amazing and lessons in history and human nature abounded. In addition to being just good travel, we were also fortunate enough to be schooled in many things Asian. However, despite being nostalgic, we knew there was no reason to be somber as we were once again headed to our beloved city of Bangkok.
We chose our flight out of Vietnam on a Saturday, specifically to be able to arrive in Bangkok on the weekend and have the opportunity to visit the famous Chatuchak weekend market. With over 15,000 stalls and approximately 200,000 daily visitors, it is a sight to behold. Unlike many markets that we have been to throughout our travels, Chatuchak is, by far, the best. Not loaded with the usual chachki, it is a home to creative, inventive and just plain genius vendors displaying their unique and original wares and crafts. Sprawling over an enormous area on the outskirts of Bangkok, it is impossible to see it all in just one day, though we did our best. Like most everyone else who visited that day, we left with arm loads of shopping bags, full stomachs and empty wallets. A highlight of our return to Bangkok.
While in Bangkok, we also took advantage of the cheap, easy and delicious food available along Rambuttri, the street where our guest house was located in the Bang Lamphu district. We enjoyed breakfasts of rice with omelet, fresh fruit and, of course, ice coffee with sweet milk. After that it was off to cross the Mae Nam Chao Phraya klong (river) for a stop by Wat Arun, which we missed on our last visit. Named after the Indian god of dawn, Aruna, the Khmer style praang (spire) is covered with a mosaic of porcelain tiles left behind by Chinese merchants.
Another uncharted diversion on our last visit to Bangkok was a trip down to the Siam Center, otherwise known as the most amazing mall complex I have seen to date. Comprised of three separate buildings, Center, Discovery and Paragon, Siam pretty much contains every commercial enterprise from outlet shops, to a Lamborghini showroom, and even a clothing store named “Keven”. The food court in the Paragon is what dreams are made of and in addition to having every type of food imaginable, and some I could have never imagined, there is also a bakery and a gourmet market, that should be the model for gourmet markets around the world. Once again, compelled by a great shopping opportunity, we left with full bags, full stomachs and a gaping hole in our finances.
As is always the case, time flies when you are having fun. Our second trip to Bangkok was over as soon as it began and it would be time for us to make our move to the marveled beaches of southern Thailand. But, not before we would indulge in one last round of our favorite Thai specialties on Rambuttri and throw a coin over our shoulders into the fountain at the bank on the corner, ensuring our return one day.
Wednesday, July 8th at 16:59
Ko Samui
Not a day goes by where Idalis and I do not give thanks for the incredible opportunity we have to travel the world. Today is no exception, as I write this post from the porch of bungalow number 14 in the Shangrilah beach side resort located mere feet away from the sand and the lightly crashing waves on the island of Ko Samui, southern Thailand. Though our trip here comprised an overnight bus ride (read: no sleep), two sawngthaew (pick up truck taxi) transfers and a boat ride, traveling in Thailand is relatively easy, especially when compared to “other” places (read: India) that we have traveled. At the end of this journey we were fortunate enough to have arrived on the largest of three popular islands located on the southeastern coast of Thailand, on the Gulf of Thailand. Having gone for a large portion of our trip without seeing the ocean, our recent excursions to beaches have been most welcome.
Our decision to stay on Ko Samui did not come without extensive pontification. Every person that you talk to who has visited any of the islands of Thailand seems to have a completely different experiences and impressions. Formulating an opinion based on the information of others, as we so like to do, proved to be a most difficult task this time around. Of the three islands that we were considering, each had its share of pluses and minuses. Large crowds, crazy full moon parties and uncontrolled development, clashed with empty beaches, sparkling water and amazing seafood. In what can only be described as a twist of fate, Idalis struck up a five minute conversation with a girl that we passed while transiting to the city of Surat Thani, or the harbor town where we would have to make a final decision before boarding the ferry. She told of a small paradise on the island of Ko Samui known as Mae Nam. So, without knowing any better, upon arriving, we hailed a sawngthaew and got dropped off on the side of the road where the driver told us, “Shangrilah bungalows, very cheap!”. We walked towards the beach and at first were not too impressed. Although the beach was beautiful and quaint, we have the misfortune of comparing all beaches to our home beach at 3rd Street. Not only this, but all the bungalows we saw, though incredibly amazing in architectural style and location, were way out of our budget. After some muddling around in the hot sun and a few inquiries, we found it...Shangrilah! At only 300 baht (or about $9) per night, we were ushered to a small and character laden bungalow (number 14 as mentioned before) right on the beach.
It is here we would decide to shack up for a while. In fact, today is day number six and we have decided to leave tomorrow morning, at 6:30 AM, of course. However, the last few days have been as exciting and adventurous as they have been relaxing and lethargic. As has become our new fascination, we rented a motorbike and for two days spent every moment exploring almost every square inch of the island. We spent quiet time admiring wats and pagodas, many located right on the water, climbed to the top of two waterfalls, one very rugged, yet populated, and another more scenic and all to ourselves.
We cruised on the main highway checking out the other popular beaches and tourist destinations, agreeing that our pick was far superior, and rode along back roads and through small sea side villages. We also spent three days doing absolutely nothing but lying around on the sand and perfecting our tans. Our biggest decision being what to have for breakfast. Though the town we chose to stay in is relatively small, at least compared to other areas on the island, we have done good at mapping out the local culinary gems. The small “Mummy's Restaurant” doles out an amazing curry as the Mae Nam Thai Barbecue is an all you can eat feast of Thai specialties that you grill yourself on a flaming hot dome with a trough that collects all the drippings to make a fantastic finishing seafood soup. Though the beers were quite expensive, and the bottom of the barbecue pot fell out and showered flaming hot coals all over my left foot, we both agreed that it was the most amazing meal yet.
Tomorrow morning, early, we strike out on yet another bus, boat, bus excursion. This time, to the west coast of southern Thailand and the beaches of Krabi. It is here that we hope to turn even a few shades darker, do some snorkeling and kayaking, and for me, some real deal rock climbing and repelling. With only about one month left on our one year travel insurance policy, I suppose I better get it all out of my system now.
I did it! I'm the #1 comment gal! Loving the beautiful pics and warmth in the latest blog entry and wishing for some of that warm sun and cool ocean breeze on my face. Josue and I are in Dublin, we leave for a ferry in a few hrs. and have had a wonderful, yet short visit to Dublin. Plenty of Guiness and local pub fare, red hair and freckles, and cool traditional folk music with quirky lyrics! Time running short on comp. So will send my love and travel healthy blessing to you both! Slainte'
Well, it's about time! We have, as you know, been anxiously awaiting this latest post. It's great to know that you have been able to have some great, lazy, down time. We've done a couple of beach days ourselves and Jeremy is working on his tan! It's kind of more a farmer tan, but he is getting darker. And you did some major shopping so I'm sure we'll be seeing some packages come our way soon. Did you buy anything in Keven? Or did you only pause to take a picture? I guess that's it from me for now. Good to hear from you, again! We love you!
It's always great to see a new post! I am so happy to hear that you had a bit of lazy time. I think that is an important element of traveling the way you are.
I love the pictures as always and the flip-flop parking picture is just great. They look like they still have a few miles left on, walk on!
I love you :}
It is absolutely amazing how you seem to run into just the right people to give you information about places to stay. It sounds like you are having a really geat time staying in some of these remote areas and islands. Taken in the culture and basking in the sun and eating who knows what! I don't think you are being totally honest when sharing the types of food you guys are consuming. It is really great to hear how friendly the people of these nations you are visiting seem to be. You have been able to mix the out of the way places with the big metropolis cities and able to get in what seems like a whole lot of shopping by the packages we have been receiveing. I will soon have to rent a warehouse to house everything. "LOL" The pictures as usual are really good the explaination of your travels is good the food is good the blog is good, being my number one son that is good, having a number one girl friend is good, I gues I just have to say everything seems to be good!!!!. "Oh Yeah", waiting for an entry on the blog is "good". One of these days I will be first to make a blog entry comment, but I just guess I'll have to bide my time as it seems to be some sort of competition to be the first and that is good. Ok I'll shut down my keys and say good nite or is it good day, which ever it is "Chow" for now.
Thailand sounds absolutly fabulous of course. What in the world is chachki? That sounds like a fancy name for junk. Did you see any foreigners celebrating the fourth of July in Thailand? I can't get the visual out of my head of Idalis's dad with his electric blue fish net tank top running in the rain last fourth of July. That was great! This year we celebrated in the mountains with my mom for a big family reunion of 19 people. We had a traditional country party with a deep fried turkey, macaroni salad, beans, hamburgers and hotdogs and cupcakes. We then proceeded downtown to watch the demolition derby, Shawn Micheal loved it. At the end of the night we sat on top of a hill and watched the sky light up with fireworks. It was a good get away from the big city. Shawn and I just finished our first race. We had 42 racers show up and raised 400 bucks which all went to a local Autism chapter. This will be the first of many to come! That's all for now. Love and miss you both!
Laura, Congrats are in order! You have probably noticed the value of being first commenter on this blog. So good job. We have been keeping up with "THE BAND" as often as possible. Sounds like you guys are doing great! If it is not too late, have a Guinness for us. They are European prices here, so we choose to drink the local stuff! Peace, love and happiness!
Jeremom, down time means long time between posts. Sorry for the delay. Hope it was worth the wait. We have also been working on our tans. So, we will compare when we return. Did not shop at Keven, only stopped for a photo and to watch several people walk into this mirror that looked like a hallway. Good stuff. Even my store has a sense of humor. Love, hugs and kisses!
Vagamom, What, no poem? Sorry for the delay. My flip flops are new and Idalis' not so old. She has been through at least four pairs and my original Rainbows finally bit the dust after having survived 12 countries and countless miles. By the end, they were being held together with chop sticks, no lie. Anyways, new shoes, same old feet and many more miles to go. Love you with all of my being!
Pop-a-long, after so many eloquent blog comments, I find it hard to believe that English was your worst subject in school. We are eating like champions. Pretty much everything that crosses our path and then some. Will have to give up pork and beer tomorrow as we head into Malaysia, which is primarily Muslim. No worries, we shall adapt and overcome. If it was 6:39 pm for you, then it was 5:39 am for us. Tomorrow that changes to be exactly twelve hours difference, ii months of traveling and almost exactly half way around the world. Love you man!
Spicey, words cannot express how proud we are of you and Shawn. We received our official FB invitation to the Waterman's Challenge. Sorry we did not make it. I hope you guys do very well in your fund raising efforts. Feels good, doesn't it? Also glad to hear you had a good ole time at the "famly reunin" and got to watch them "blow s@#t up"! Give our best to your folks. We still hope to hook up with your Dad in Java. Got a little something for him. We enjoyed the fourth with an impromptu fireworks show on the beach. It appears it was someone's birthday, not a celebration of American Independence. Also saw Chines lanterns go up, they are pretty cool to watch. Also shared many laughs about last year, including Idalis' father in his Billy Idol fish net tank top. Keep up the good work and give yourself and everyone else a big hug and kiss from the Vagalongers!
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