Sometimes good, sometimes bad
With a range of emotions
From elated to sad
On your streets we've traversed
Full of cow poop and dust
In rickshaws and old trains
Buses aged with rust
Traveling was no picnic
And homesickness hit us hard
Missing hot showers, toilet paper
And my old Costco card
There were things that depressed us
Such as poverty and slums
Trash, urine, beggars
Your caste system and bums
Your touts were relentless
Pushing things I don't need
Blessings, drugs, wooden snakes
And mala prayer beads
Holy sadhus, dressed in orange
And smoking hashish
Always begging for alms
Yelling, “Baba, baksheesh!”
Yet despite all the challenges
We could not go away
The benefits were many
We decided to stay
Your landscape is varied
Such a range you can boast
From desert to backwaters
To sandy beach coast
Rajasthan's cities
Blue, gold, and pink
Majestic forts and palaces
Blend with camel fart stink
Also Goa and Hampi
Rishikesh, Bangalore,
Dharamsala, Varkala,
And still so much more
On your food we have feasted
Spicy meals we adore
Thalis, masalas, tikkas
Pickles and chutneys galore
Such a generous country
Although stretched thin and poor
Letting in all kinds of people
Never closing the door
Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhist
Christian, Jain, and Sikh
Over a billion together
In relative peace
Such wonderful qualities
That we missed at the start
Love for family, big smiles
And an open heart
Children playing cricket
Encouraging us to join
Practicing their English
Wanting a “country coin”
Women shone in bright saris
Or a salwar kameez
Next to them I looked drab
In my old beat up fleece
Your lines made us laugh:
First customer! Good luck for me!
I give you good price!
Come! Looking for free!
A lesson you've taught us
Above all the rest
Be happy with little
Want not more, but less
Namaste, dear India
Our palms in prayer, too
The light that's in us
Honors the light that's in you
by Idalis Alvarez
March 2009
Thank you, India!
Friends, Family, and Devoted Fans, please be advised that we head off into the Himalayan mountain range for a ten day hike on the 25th. Therefore, we will be out of touch for a while. However, in an interest to not leave you hanging, we have hopefully left you enough material to consume during our absence. Please pray that it does not snow, that the Yeti still sleeps, that our knees hold out and that we always cross on the mountain side of the wild beasts so as not to pushed into the precipice! We will be sure to chronicle our adventures immediately upon our return. Well, maybe not immediately! We love you all and send you a warm Nepali "How do ya do?"
To Kevin and Idalis,
Our beloved traveling pair.
It is with much love
that we follow this blog.
Our excitement knows no boundaries,
as we read your travel-log.
From Spain to Italy,France and Greece,
Our interest in your journey does not cease.
India caused us all much alarm,
but God held you safely in the crook of His arm.
The people you've met, the friends you have made.
Are like a cool drink of water enjoyed in the shade.
Now your journey continues,
to places unknown.
But as you travel, remember your home.
There are many here who love you,
and miss you as well.
And we happily listen as your story you tell.
When you are homesick,
you can be sure.
That home is Kevin and Idalis sick,
Your return is the cure.
I guess poetry begets poetry!!!
I love and miss you and am proud of the way you represent your families, friends and our country as you go!
I'd like to try some child beer. Is it made from real children?
An Ode to My Uncle and Tia...
Dear Uncle and Tia
I miss you a lot
Your travels in India
Sounded dusty and hot
I have grown much
Gotten bigger, for sure
But my love for you both
Still remains very pure
You are heroes to me
Mommy tells me your tales
She shows me your pictures
And sends you emails
I turned two in your absence
My hair has grown long
I sang happy birthday
I know the tune and the song
I say many words now
And sentences galore
I'm quite a cute fellow
One I know you'll adore
Have fun in Nepal
Be safe and get rest
And know that I love you
And think you're the best
But for now I must end this
And one day you will see
That when you return
I'll be happy as can be
Love and hugs and kisses, too!
Hey you 2 world travellers :) I send you a nice warm thought here from Denmark. It is easter time soon and the weather is getting warm which I´ve waited for the past 4 months.
Today I will take my son out and put him on a pair of inliners I´ve bought and push him forward... after I learned him how to fall proberly ;-)
In Easter I´ll get a visit from my new girlfriend Nikita and her daugther. And no, not Russian, but half Danish, half English. She´s amazing and I hope this can last just a liiitle longer than my latest adventures on that front!
And I´ve just started a new position in my company, which will give me the challenges I really needed, so things are starting to look good here! And on top of that summer is coming. Sure will be a great year!!
When will you guys head home again?
Have a great time wherever you are!
Vagamom and Jeremom, great "odes" to our travels. We really enjoyed the impromptu poetry!
Anonymous, made with real children and squeezed fresh daily!
Loco Brian, we could not be happier for you. Sounds like things are going really well! Not sure when we return, still a ways away. However, whenever we do, rest assured that a trip to the Netherlands is in order. We will have to visit the new family (wink, wink!) Keep up the good work and know that you have two fans out in the world, somewhere, cheering you on!!
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