We just wanted to take this time to wish each and every one of our friends and family a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day! We love, appreciate and are thankful for all of you! Please save us a piece of turkey, oh, and some of those string beans with the durkee french onion rings on top.
And, by the way, we are also very thankful that we are safe amongst a rash of attacks that took place in Mumbai last night. Merely seven days ago, we happened to be staying in the neighborhood of Colaba, where the attacks happened, and took the very train, from the very station, where people were wounded and killed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those families who have been affected. We are also grateful for all of your thoughts and prayers which have helped to keep us safe.
May this day find you in the company of loved ones, nourished by good food and safe and comfortable in your surroundings! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
1. Thank God you are all right.
2. Thank God it didn't happen a week ago. (My heart breaks for the families who cannot say that.)
3. Shouldn't you be in Turkey for Thanksgiving Day? It seems that would have been appropriate.
4. I'll save you turkey and durkey; although, I'm not sure you will want it by the time you return.
5. I am thankful for you both.
6. I know you will secretly be missing shopping on Black Friday!
7. Jeremy and I love you!
I would say that on this Thanksgiving Day we have much to be thankful for.
Your blog is truly fascinating reading. It seems so incredible that you so easily make friends and acclamate to each different place you visit. That is something I admire and appreciate. I am sure you are leaving a good impression wherever you go. I am so proud of and thankful for you both.
Today we will all be at Grandma's for Turkey Day...Gobble-Gobble, Yum-Yum:) And of course tomorrow begins the Gary Perkins Christmas Lights Extravaganza. I can hardly wait. Dad always does a great decorating job, this years theme is Blue Lights.
Well...it's time to start the 4 Layer Chocolate Delight!!!!!
Don't be jealous, we'll save you some of that too!
I love you both and of course miss you. I am so thankful, as always, and in light of yesterday's events that God continually keeps you in His care. What a wonderful place to be.
Hi travelers
I am so grateful that you guys are alright. I know how it feels to be somewhere a week before... I was in Bali a week before the bombing and it was a relief but also a little of a shock. Anyhow I am just glad you were not there. Goa sounds like my type of place. Can't wait to visit it someday. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Just got back from my third trip in a row. Going to bed, will be in touch soon. One weird thing to mention, our crews always layover at the Taj Mahal Hotel but for some reason they were staying somewhere else last night. Thank God. Delta is flying one last flight in today to get everyone out. Everyone is okay!! Looking forward to reading your next blog and what your next destination will be. Not sure if I will be making it to India in light of the circumstances. Will be in touch. Boa Noite. Karen.
Happy Thanksgiving
Well, oh my thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness. I nearly dropped the phone in the toilet when my Dad called to tell us about the horrible events in India. I can't imagine how sobering that must have been for you both. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that has been affected by the tragedy.
As you know, I think, we just got back from Egypt! We were there for a week visiting the pyramids, all of King Tut's glory, including his tomb and MUMMY in the valley of the Kings at the end of our journey. We said "what's up Tut" for you both! We were on a cruise with my parents (Mom works for the cruise line so we were super luck to get to go) Petra, Jordan was a very unique and enriching experience and it was a surprising highlight of the trip (a place I was not too familiar with except that Indian Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed there) The cruise was, of course, amazing and it was a very bizarre juxtaposition with the life on land.
While I was reading your blog on India, on the seas of insistance people, the hustling for money, and the desire to be pleasant representatives vs the fact that if you even said hi to people, it was all over and you would spend the next couple minutes regreting it. As I was reading about your experiences I was saying, "YES, that's it". Now having said that, our experience does not come even close to yours, not even in the slightest. I can't imagine the intensity that you must have experienced compared to our little blip on the tourist map.
My favorite part of the trip was the horrible trip home which was the worst series of flights, including one from Cairo to Rome that brought me to tears, literally, Josue and I could barely look at each other bc it just made my lip quiver more. There was some major praying going on, but it was so bizarre bc no one seemed to be fazed by the turbulence... no one came on the announcements, no one came around after to check on anybody...it was like some weird nightmare. The whole travel experience, again nothing compared to your stories, had no rhyme or reason, no order what so ever, people just mobbed together and pushed there way through... it really makes you thing about how we take for granted how we live our lives, and every time we commented about things... I thought, should I be judging like this?...yikes, I hope no one is listening.
At the end of the day though, those kind of experiences really make you stop and understand difference in culture, the effects of society and religion, and the understanding that there are misunderstandings.
Shawn, Sarah, Katie, Shawn's Mom, Josue and I went to Cirque du Soleil on Thurs. and had a great time. We all talked about your adventures and I was a little misty reading about how sick you were Idalis! Oh my! Isn't it amazing how love can grow so much through the most horrible and personal of experiences.
Can't wait for the next update and be safe!
all our love, Laura and Josue (who is off surfing with Wyatt in Stuart)
Hey! Glad to hear you guys are OK. Becky told me about your adventure just a week ago (She found me on Facebook). Im really enjoying following your adventures. When/if you return from your walkabout, we really need to catch up. Im in ATL now so I make it down to FL more often. Take care and be safe! -Mike W.
sooo were they feather indians or indian iandians?gobbel gobbel.surewood
yo brudda sorry it's ben sum time but i've ben working 25/8 no time to blink i even haven't had time to read but i can still look at pics.so if i don't see you soon i'll see u in costa.THIS BUDS 4 U.
PEACE,WORD AND ASLAMALAKIM WITH LOVE.the brother from another mother.(SURE WOOD).
1. Yes, thank God!
2. Yes, though it would have been better not have happened at all!
3. It would have been very appropriate as I have yet to see a turkey in India!
4. Save them anyways!
5. We are both thankful for you!
6. Coincidentally, every day of shopping in India is like shopping on Black Friday!
7. Jeremy and I...uh, um, I mean, Idalis and I love you and Jeremy!!!
Vagamom, so great to hear from you and yes, we have many things to be thankful for! I am glad you are enjoying the reading. I hope T-Day at Grandma's was wonderful! It was very nice of all of you to go there so she could take part. Please tell Grandma we lvoe her very much! Please take pictures of the house once it is done and email them to us. Blue lights sound very interesting! It is going to be worth coming home just to get the T-Day left overs!!! We love you very much and it is the only place to be!!!
Karen, wow, wow and wow! I had no idea you were that close to the Bali blast. It is very sobering to say th least. Especially when you see the videos and recognize every place that is up in flames! Goa is a great place, Arambol we especially liked, though it is not a real "surf" destination, I did enjoy three days of solid waist to stomach waves on a decent rental board. I am so glad to hear that the Delta crews are all right and that they decided not to be in the Taj! A bit freaky, no? We certainly understand if you do not make it here. There are plenty other points of interest that we can exploit. I am thinking New Zealand might be a good one!? Please tell everyone back in MIA we say hello and give our best to your mother! Hope you ejoy(ed) your nap!!!
Marie and Mr. Hall!!! What an awesome surprise! Never in a million years did I expect a comment from you, but let me tell you that I am glad we got one! Have you been following all along? Marie, please give your Dad a big hug from us. He is very special to us and we really appreciate you both very much!!! Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!
Mrs and Mr Cruz, first, sorry we were not able to meet you during your journey. In spite of all the craziness, we hope you were still able to have a great time and enjoy special moments together. I would definitely say that you are every bit as seasoned as us! In fact, we have met many people that have also recently visited Egypt an Jordan and if your trip was one ounce of what they described to us, than you are soul survivors! In a way, I am glad we nixed that part of our journey. We have been able to make up for the chaos in other locations anyways! We are safe, but very much sobered by what happened. Super crazy! t is on the news here all day, every day. The media has been dubbing it the India 9/11! Travelling is an endeavor I think that everyone should undertake for exactly the reasons that you mention. One can only benefit from learning about similarities and differences! We are really glad that you two made it home safely and that the worst part of the trip is now a story you can comment about on our blog. We also hope that you guys had a great time at Cirque and know that if we were still there we would have been sitting right there with you! For now, we enjoy our own little circus right here in India! We love you, we miss you and for goodness sake will someone please tell that good for nothing Wyatt to holla at his boy!!!
Mike W!? So, as I catch up with this blog with only five minutes allotted before the power goes down (again!), I am left with thoughts of who in the hell this Mike W. can be, and Becky, that adds another degree of difficulty. So, I start to analyze and break it down and the only option I can rationalize is not at all rational! But, after a second sit down and a bit more research, it proves true. And, does this also mean that Becky is out there somewhere? Welcome aboard Mr.W, great to have you. Stay in touch so we can go for a ski when I get back!!!
Surewood! Your comments are always as special as those from Mr Kouri! Little morsel of sentiment powder coated with a touch of smartassedness! Keep them coming! I know how busy you are, it has been that way for years! And now, I am about to make you even busier - go check your email! Oh, by the way, they were Indian Indians!
I am out here too, it's true. My first thought after Mike's post was 'oh dear, Kevin will have no idea who this Mike is'. I wondered myself about the Becky he mentioned..thinking it was his wife? (sorry Mike) for a second, oh wait, that's me (I've been Rebecca way too long now). So I am so glad to have caught up with all of the Perkinses - and I do enjoy these adventures of KP & Idalis. Although my heart goes out to her on the latest illness (darn toothbrush!!!). And I was so relieved to hear that you were both safe after the events in Mumbai.
Switching back to more blasts from the past, I hope you don't mind that I also shared the site with Annie W (now Annie M). Who knows how many loyal readers you will have as the journey continues!
I've enjoyed reading the stories & am looking forward to the next installment! Rebecca formerly Becky (code name Rebecky? We'll go with that...)
yo bro scobby dobby doooooooo
first, my apologies for not blogging sooner as I've been reading & keeping track through sarah.I was never worried for your safety, cuz I know damn well fate hasn't brought us this far to have it all end in tragedy! Plus, I know my brother would find his way out of ANY bullshit predicament!!!
Anyway, we had a beautiful day of surf; waist to chest S.E.!!We also went to cirque de soliel but I was without my "boat voice" partner to make fun of the show.It was still cool , but not our favorite.Missing you both as always; PEACE,LOVE&HAPPINESS!
My brother called me this past weekend, to ask if I had checked your blog recently, and let me know that you missed the Mumbai attacks by a week or so. We are all so relieved and thankful to know that you are safe, and doing fine.
This weekend is Sheila's world famous (counting on you to mention it to someone over there in order to make it officially world famous) holiday party. Kevin - I'll have a deviled egg in your honor.
I'm officially caught up on all my vagalong reading, and continue to be so impressed by both of you and your ability to communicate and describe your adventures through this blog. Whoever gave you this idea is brilliant!!
Seriously though...we miss you guys, and are really happy you are safe. Take care, and keep the blogging up. Next step will be to turn all of this into a bounded book.
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