Idalis: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:24 PM
The island of Santorini is a beautiful freak of nature. In the 17th century BC, a volcano on the island erupted, which was so intense that it may have been responsible for wiping out the Minoan civilization, and definitely changing the landscape of the island forever. Earliest indications show that the island of Santorini was originally close to a perfect circle. After the eruption, and many years of evolution, all that remains is the main crescent island and four small adjacent outlying islands, including the volcano that started it all, Nea Kameni. The result is breathtaking: a beautiful caldera, where homes sit precariously perched atop a jagged mountainside, or caldera (meaning crater) . It is one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen, which is why I suppose Kevin and I had to share it with hordes of other tourists!
It is only befitting that an island created out of such chaos and destruction would provide such a chaotic welcoming to us. Let me explain. Kevin and I had booked a room on Santorini over the internet while we were still in Crete. Lignos Hotel, although devoid of the famous caldera views, promised free breakfast and better yet, free transport from the port that was 10 kilometers away from the city center of Fira. To facilitate this we were asked, via e-mail, to provide our ferry information and approximate time of arrival, which Kevin and I dutifully did. When we realized at the port of Iraklio, Crete, that our ferry was running late, Kevin and I did the responsible thing and notified the hotel, via e-mail (and tried by phone) to let them know that we would be arriving later than originally expected in Santorini. We thought this would be enough.
It was not.
We arrived at the Santorini port at around midnight, almost two hours behind schedule. It was dark, late, and the man holding a sign that said “Lignos Hotel” was nowhere to be found. We asked the other people at the port, the other passengers, taxi drivers: No Lignos Hotel. We frantically tried calling with our cell phone, as by this time everyone from our ferry was starting to disperse and all of the cab drivers had already left. No dice. There was a lone building lit up, an “Information Center.” When we went in to ask for help (it's now approaching 1 AM), the man at the “Information Center” said there was nothing he could do, except of course, accommodate us at another hotel, which he happened to own and was on the other side of the island. Both frustrated, confused, tired, and a bit nervous, Kevin and I started arguing in front of this man: Kevin wanted to book the hotel room he was offering, and I was refusing, feeling that this slimy guy was trying to take advantage of our situation. We were both right, and also both wrong. Kevin, meanwhile, had still been trying to call the owners of Lignos Hotel all along. As Kevin was about to accept the the guy's offer of 25 euro a night and a ride to the hotel (at this point I was FUMING!!!), the owner of Lignos finally answered and said he would pick us up. Hallelujah!!! It turns out that their policy is not to pick up their guests if the ferry arrives too late. What? @#$%^&*!!! Kevin took me aside before the sleepy owner arrived and gave me a “talking to.” I promised to be good, and the owner finally did arrive. Kevin is definitely a better person than I am, chatting with the owner during the drive, thanking him and apologizing for our ferry's late arrival. It took everything in me to bite my lip and remain quiet about the whole situation, which I felt was not our fault, and should have been a professional courtesy. If I had had my way, the owner would've been the one getting a “talking to.”
Regardless of our bumpy start, Santorini proved to be a beautiful island, one that I am very glad we went to, even though a bit touristy for our taste. The views are stunning! Kevin and I must've taken about a hundred pictures the next day, as everywhere you turned was a picture-postcard view. Most of the homes, which hug the cliffs, are stark white with blue trimming. Kevin and I walked to the bottom of the old port, declining the two other means of transport to get there: cable-car or donkey! We made our way down the sometimes slippery path, trying to avoid the mounds of donkey poop (and tourists) along the way. It was worth the effort, as Kevin and I ended up sitting at a little taverna at the bottom, sharing some grilled seafood, drinking a cold Mythos, and enjoying the sea views.
That evening proved to be the most memorable of our trip to Santorini, as Kevin and I hiked for three hours from the city of Fira to Oia (pronounced ee-ah) along a path at the top of the caldera. Kevin and I rushed to make it to this beautiful city before sunset. Although the famed sunset was somewhat covered by the clouds that evening, it was still an unforgettable experience.
We spent the next couple of days sampling the local beaches, know as 'red', 'white', and 'black', whose sands are colored as a result of the volcanic rock surrounding them. We went to the southern part of the island and saw Red Beach, and (tried) to hike to White Beach and Black Beach. The next two days we went to the black-sand beaches. Perissa had crystal-clear water, sizzling sand, and Kevin had an excellent snorkeling, splunking and cliff jumping experience. Kamari beach was also nice, but because of the so-so weather and time of year, it proved to be more like a ghost town, with shopkeepers closing stores and hotels for the season.
This is Kevin and we now sit in a very busy ferry that we boarded at 3AM, after staying up all night in the port trying to save on an extra half evening in the hotel. We are route to Rhodes (or Rodos in Greek). As we are learning is typical around here, the ferry arrived late, only thirty minutes this time, and is expected to take a total of eighteen hours to reach our destination. It has now been about seventeen hours and we are more than certain that we will not only arrive late, but during the dark, which as we have learned poses a whole new set of challenges. At least we have a reservation, lose directions and have thoroughly enjoyed a private two person cabin, with bathroom ensuite, on the ferry, which is quite possibly one of the best decisions we have ever made in our traveling career. It was quite a relief to board the ferry and immediately be escorted to our cabin where we settled in for a night of sleep while being gently rocked by mother ocean. As it would turn out, mother ocean would increase her gentle rock to a rolling tumble with some of the most tumultuous seas we have experienced in our four ferry trips thus far, which is perhaps why Idalis was not able to finish this entire post and why I will only be able to add a short paragraph. We were able to actually eat a meal on board during the worst of it, which was an accomplishment in and of itself. We hope to arrive in Rhodes by 23:00 and make our way to the Pink Elephant Pension where we will settle in for three nights and see what Rhodes has to offer, beside the oldest occupied Medieval city in Europe. Until then, I think I will end this post, put away the computer and go to the back of the ship to share my lamb, eggplant and potato entree with the fishes!
Aha. I love that you guys write an honest post. As anyone who has travelled with a partner knows, it's not always cold-beers and sunsets, and I can just picture you too infront of the info station guy. Idallys waving her arms like a mad Cuban/PR woman, and Kevin doing that "que catso" italian thing where he brings his thumb to meet the rest of his fingers and rocks his hand back and forth. Ahahaha, priceless.
Now while it seems that I am laughing at your misery (only out of jealousy), that is not the case, since those moments are the ones which you will cherish when this oddessy ends (in the year 2022, or something like that). You two are killing it. Great posts and great pics, and the stories you bring back will take a year to share with the rest of us. You are missed and loved and keep loving, scraping, laughing, hiking, puking, dancing, etc. together!
i only want to say how proud i am of my sister for "almost" gettin' 'rican on the greeks! all that head bobbin' and weavin' was just a few seconds away. hold her back, kev...hold her back. it can get ugly. i think i have some scars to prove it.
i'm at work so i MUST make this short. interestingly i checked your blog this morning while at work. a doctor (dr. Dendrinos) happened to be sitting next to me. as soon as he looked over to my screen and saw the word "Santorini", he just couldn't be stopped. he spoke about the volcano and how the houses are built on the sides of mountains, many of which date back almost 3 million years. and how the last time he was there, the houses looked like snow covering the tops of the mountains. i've seen pictures of santorini. but because of a collaborative effort between the two of you, dr dendrinos, and your photos, Santorini seems like an arms length away. Dr Dendrinos wishes his best in your travels!
as for me, much love luck and happiness. be well.
hello to everyone...
ps. i don't remember his name but i read someone's post earlier who mentioned he was learning guitar and was picking up on some jack johnson music. to him i say GREAT choice. easy music to play and very enjoyable. keep up the good work. and kev and idalis, as jack johnson warned, "shortcuts can slow you down"...enjoy your time, take your time, live it up!
Hello Beloved Travelers...
I love the picture of your feet (My Feet Love Crete)...But when did Popeye join you?
Greece sounds wonderful and I'm happy that you've really taken the time to enjoy all the sights, sounds and the people! I imagine that the world seems smaller when you travel it the way you are, people everywhere have so much in common. The love of life, family , and the beauty of this world.
I am always happy to hear that you take time to thank God for His goodness...I am here at home and can do no less.
Idalis, as you relayed the incident about missing your ride to the place you were staying because the ferry was late I couldn't help but think how much Kevin is like his dad:) That's such a good thing.
I love and miss you both. Dide is doing well and doesn't lack for attention and love, although I'm sure she often wonders where you are and misses you both.
Hi Adrian, it's always good to see a comment from you. Please give your family my love:)
Good-bye for now and much love.
I could really see Idalis fumming! It was great, I pictured her nostrils flaring and all. I can't believe the nerve of that hotel manager saying they don't pick up guests from the late ferry, yet the ferry is late all of the time? That is so cool that you are traveling by ferry! Much nicer than the train I assume. Can you take the ferry to other countries or is it just for Greece and Turkey. Santorina seems so dreamy. It looks like it is from a scene in the Sisterhood of the traveling pants. I would love all of the hiking, snorkeling, the beaches with the different colored sands and the great food. I am soo jealous!! Work is hard but I am saving money! I put 100 dollars every paycheck away. We are definitly planning for June to mee you somewhere. I love you guys!!!
Arrrg! Tis a funny thing seein ye dressed so. Savvy? I may have come close to snorting when I saw that picture, Kevin. Things here are going well. Although there are no pirates here, my class came close to mutiny when I handed out the report cards today. You would have thought they expected straight A's despite the fact that they had not gotten all of their work accomplished. I made at least 3 kids cry. Well, not me, per se, but the grades on their report cards which they then begged me to either change or to write a note to their parents telling them that they are doing better and working hard. (As if that has happened.) It's amazing the power a piece of paper can have. I was glad to get home and when I saw the pictures on your post, I laughed again and then sighed because I wished I could be there with you. Some of those sights are beautiful, the descriptions are amazing, but I think I have the best view right now...of Jeremy. Right now he is playing with Nonna and just laughing up a storm. A good, uninhibited baby belly laugh. He misses you both as he still gets your picture off the shelf and points to you when I say your names. I'm rambling on right about now, but I really wanted to say hello and send you love. Hugs and kisses for both of you. And Idalis, to totally rid yourself of that anger, pick up a random object and play the game with Kevin. I love you guys!
Today - Saturday is the Taco Night at the Taft's, but not only that, it's also a B-Day party for both Yaffa and Herman. We all miss you guys and I won't save you anything from the table. (We've even got Chuck's Hot Wings). Did you get Y&H's wedding pics?
Great shot of popeye, one of your moms favorite charactors. But popeye was a sailor man, so the rough and tumble of the ferry should not have been a reason to feed the fish ha, ha, lol. Idalis I was really surprised to here of your little tantrum about the late ferry and the manager of the host-spice, "way to go girl", really shows that any type of conflict can outrage us especially when its late and one is tired. Maybe there is a little of Darth-Vader in you. If you would have had a light sabor with you, who knows what would have happened. Oh well, it was good Popeye was there to save the day. The pictures are great, the flow of the events in the written word make one feel they are traveling right at your side and enjoying the adventure with you. Don't know if anyone has told you yet but your mailed package arrived safely.
Lots of love
Yosue! How right you are. It has been so hard lately to find a cold beer!!! Were you there with us? How did you know about the "que catso", angry PR woman thing? As with all of our friends, we wish that you could be here with us! I have tried to email you a couple times and it keeps getting kicked back. Did you or Laura change email addresses? Hope you guys are doing well and please know that we love and miss you very much!!!
Coco, hold her back? Are you out of your mind? Please tell Dr. Dendrinos that we say hello and share his fascination for the island of Santorini. Should I ever hold your sis back, perhaps he can work on my wounds! By the way, that was our neighbor that was learning guitar. Next time you come down, we will have a super jam!
Hello Beloved Vagamom! As usual, so great to hear from you! It is funny that you should say that. Idalis and I were just having a convesation about how people around the world really are not at all different, with the exception of their environment. Everyone really just wants food, shelter and happiness. It is something that seems so easy in theory, yet so impossible in practice. Maybe one day all of that will change and we humans can get it right for once! God has definitely been with us throughout this trip or else we would not have made it this far! I am also very proud of my Dad and what he has passed on to me! We really miss Dide. Please give her a hug and kiss, on the lips, for both of us! We miss and love you too!
Spicey, it was flaring nostrils and snapping fingers. The PR was coming out big time! Traveling by ferry is far better than bus or train. Idalis usually reads and I stare out at the ocean the entire time! Despite some of our rides being very long, they seem to go by very fast. We actually tried to find the girl from the sisterhood, but we heard she was vacationing in Fiji. Oh well, maybe next time! Keep saving and we will see you in June!!!
Jeremom, so ya like me new look, savvy? I almost snorted when I read your comment! We also wish you could be here with us. In the meantime, we will continue to do our best to keep you up to date on our adventures. Hopefully, our first Turkey post will hit the press soon. Must be nice to be on the other side of the report card!!! Please give that little Superman a hug and kiss for us. We miss him and really enjoyed the photos from Halloween! By the way, I did pull out an object to try and play the game with Idalis to lighten her mood, but she grabbed it and threw it at the guy! Love and miss you and thank you for all the help!
TAFTS!!! What a great surprise! If we knew it was taco night, we would have flown in from Turkey for sure! Please give the newlyweds our best and wish them a very happy set of birthdays for us. We miss you guys and appreciate you not saving any Mexican food for our return! I do not think we got the wedding photos, could you send them again? Stay well! Lots of love from the other side of the world!!!
Pop-a-long, As it turned out, the fish had to starve that evening. We ate dinner right during the worst of it and some how came out smelling like roses, as opposed to the alternative. Taking that picture was so much fun and we could not stop laughing. We immediately knew it had a spot on the blog. There is no end to how much I will humiliate myself for the enjoyment of others!!! Idalis does have a little Darth Vader in her, as do we all, except she does not need a light saber, just lack of sleep, a misunderstanding and a high heel shoe! (haha) We did hear that our package arrived. Thank you so much for being there for us! Unfortunately, this one has no gifts for anyone, but maybe that will change. We love and miss you very much and hope you are well and one day closer to retirement!!!
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