My family has only been gone a few hours and already Kevin and I miss them :( The house is way too quiet and we're not used to all of the space! Eight people may seem like too much for such a small apartment, but it felt just like old times: loud, crowded, and lots of fun! I'm so glad I got to see my parents and my brothers one last time before our trip. It has filled me with a sense of joy and peace, and has made me see how truly lucky and loved I really am. We have not all been in the same room in over 13 years, and I feel that this reunion has helped to heal old, tired wounds and to reconnect with each other. I have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude, and lots to be thankful for.
Rami: Thank you for coming several days in a row just to spend time with us, and for being the first Alvarez family blogger.
Andrés: Thank you for driving through the night just to be here for our party.
Magali: Thank you for being such a wonderful partner to my brother and for making him happy. He is a very lucky guy.
Adrián: Thank you for the entertainment (you may need to replace those guitar strings!) and for being a great salsa partner.
Iván: Thank you for the comedic relief, the best t-shirt ever made, and for your thoughtfulness.
Mami: Gracias por coordinar este viaje, por tomar vino y reirte conmigo, y por el regalo de tu sonrisa.
Papi: Gracias por romper el silencio entre nosotros, por ponerte pantalones cortos, y por nadar en el mar.
I would also like to thank our friends who joined us and spent time with our family. You all made it so special. Now you know why I am the way I am! Thank you, also, to the Perkins family for your continued support, chocolate chip cookies, and for making my family feel so welcomed. A final thank you to my Amor: Thank you for putting up with inflatable beds and lines for the bathroom, for talking to my dad, for making my mom laugh, and for showing my brothers such a great time. My family now knows why I love you so much, since they've been able to experience the same feeling for themselves.
Much love and many blessings to you all ... Idalís
22 comments: was so awesome to get to spend so much time with your family. Now I cannot wait for you and Kevin to get back just so we can be with them again. Everyone was just so great and kind and loving and fun. Your father was so sweet and tender with Jeremy. Your mother's smile could brighten any room. Rami is just a nice guy to talk with. Magali and Andres are sweet and loving, you can see it in them. And Adrian and Ivan could bring down the house any time. I was thrilled to see our families blend. We truly have the most handsome brothers in the world! Again, I must say, my cup runneth over.
I have to agree with you sis... I am one who understands why you love Kevin so much. He bends over backwards just to make sure everyone is fine and has everything they want. It takes a certain kind of person to put up with our family for any extended period of time, hehe. It was also a great pleasure for me to meet Kevin's family. I am happy for you and Kevin and for the circle of friends and family you both have around you. Needless to say, we will all miss both of you while you are away, but we will follow you in cyberspace. I will plan one more trip to see you before you depart... So long for now.
I'll have some comments soon. Maybe more than this blog can handle. For now I just want to make sure that i'm doing this right.
Be back soon..
Amendment to previous comment... I tried to joke about our family on my last blog, but the more I read it less funnier it gets. I'm sorry I posted it and promise from now on to leave the comedy to people who know how to be funny and not quit my day job. Forgive me if I offended anyone.
I have loved every entry on this blog, comments included...but this is my favorite. It was a great weekend for family and friends, spending time together, meeting new people,and getting to know others a little bit better, laughing and sometimes welling up with tears.
The highlight of it all was meeting your family Idalis! Thank you for making us a part of the reunion...we had a great time. It was hard to say goodbye after dinner on Saturday:-( But how we all look forward to meeting again and staying in touch through email and this blog.
Kevin, Idalis, Alvarez Family, Katie...I love you...Carmela/mom
Rami, there is nothing to amend. Our family IS a bit crazy, but so is everyone else's, too! What's important is that despite our differences, we were able to come together and share these special moments, something we haven't done in a very long time. I felt flooded with love! Again, thank you for being a part of it. I love you very much and think your humor is outstanding! Your (not so) little sis ... Idalís :)
what to say...what to say...
I spent the most part of the day today trying to get myself out of this departure "funk". Without any luck, of course. I've left part of myself in the wonderful city of Miami, but I took back a heart overflowing with love for those who I had the honor of meeting. Thanks to everyone, especially Idalis and Kevin, I was part of something nothing less than MAGICAL! Simply put, it was a life-changing experience.
You're a gem. Anyone who takes the time out to speak choppy spanish to those who are unable to understand english, and on the flipside listen to mostly every story in, there's a special place for you in my heart. It just goes to show how much you care about my sis and her happiness. Like I said before, I know "she'll never fall to far to the ground as long as you're around". For your patience, hospitality, and dedication to my family...i thank you!
What an amazing job of making sure the party ran smoothly. I had a blast! Thank you for being such a great friend to my sis. There's a lot of love there, easily seen. Keep smiling for it is the most contagious quality you possess, i think anyway. Your a ball of laughs and a ton of fun. Thank you so much.
p.s. Intestines anyone?!?!
Sarah and Shawn...
Thanks for spending a whole day with us. We know it was a handful. It was a pleasure meeting the two of you. You're a beautiful couple. Hope to see the two of you soon. Just so you know, the whole me and wakeboarding thing was just a show. I'm a professional...NeGaTiVe!
Rockstar Mike...
Thanks for taking the time out to meet us. There's beer left in the fridge at K & I's. Make sure you take care of that for me. Hopefully, the next time we meet you'll be wailing away on the acoustic. I look forward to that.
Gary & Carmela Perkins...
For raising a stellar child that I know will look after Idalis. Not only him, but you've done an amazing job bringing up 3 of the nicest people i think i've ever met. Thank your for your kind spirit and the cookies of course. They didn't save me any, but i'm sure they were fantastic. No one in the car claimed to eat them all. However, Dad showed up in Jersey with a chocolate mustache. Peace, Love, and Happiness to you and your family.
It was a pleasure meeting you. Jeremy can't ask for a better bunch of people as he grows up. Teach him to be strong, just like his mommy. And trust me, everything will work itself out. Jeremy knows that and I think he feels it as well. Because he feels the love and support from those closest to him. Much love and the best of wishes! Keep your head up.
I think i'm forgetting someone here. Let me think...j/k.
My only regret is that this whole shindig took this long. But it was time. It was time to let the sea swallow the past. It was time to bridge that gap. I know I could've been a better brother to you, even a better friend especially as you approached your adult life. Tears fill my eyes because I've said some pretty hurtful things in the past. I only hope that your smile, laughter and love expressed this passed week is indicative of many more to be shared. I held out not telling you how much you're loved for far too long. Please forgive my stubborness and immaturity. I love you, I love you, I love you. And in the end "true love ALWAYS prevails"!
Bonnnn Voyaaaage....
Bonnnn Voyaaaage....
As I drove home with a new beard, some ridiculous ringing in my ear thanks to Jazid, and about 20 pounds heavier due to a massive overdose of red meat, I thought about a lot of things. Besides the changes im gonna end up doing to my HMO for the sake of recovering from this trip, I thought about my family and their friends, and how in a strange, eerie way we are all inter-connected, inter-twined today. I learned that even with miles of separation in distance, culture, opinion and age, ‘GOOD’ people will always find a good way to have a good freakin time. Guaranatieitis? Time for the ‘individual rundown’ that has been so much of a sensation the past few days in this blog commentary:
Idalis- thanks for makin it easy. It felt strange not seeing you all these years, ask Mom I was queezy the whole week leading up to the weekend. Thanks a bunch, I feel relief….finally.
Kevin-dude I can whole heartedly say you’re the coolest guy my sis could’ve met in Miami, way cooler than that ‘agua fria’ guy. j/k we all really, really, liked you man. Thanks for being so hospitable and yes, for talking to my dad and occasionally laughing at his repetitious jokes.
Katie-you laugh so much! Happy person to be around and your from Wayne, New Jersey out of all places! Thanks for being very cool to be around and for being such a good friend to Idalis. Keep practicing your guitar playing skills girl. Rock on!
Sara and her husband, (bruce lee)-You guys were awesome. thanks for the lift in your car, we could’ve been in a cheech and chong movie with that lowrider. Painful but memorable, thanks.
Kevins parents-Mom your cookies were the bomb, Dad I would’ve combed that entire beach with you if I would’ve brought a metal detector. Thanks for making us feel so very welcomed.
ReAnne-Again, thanks for making us feel so welcomed. You have such a beautiful boy, I wish I had his hair man. Then again, I wish I had anyones hair lol.
Jeremy-High 5!
Afrodyte-Woof, woo-woof
Mike and company-Thanks for joking around with us, you two were easy to get along with and real fun to be around.
Rami and Ginny-Rami, wow no cambias, every time I see u its like a breath of fresh air man, it really is. If you still don’t know, rami is down to earth and a great brother to have. No1s getting offended, please. Ginny you’ve grown so much. I want you to know we love you very much and it was great seeing you after all these years.
Ivan-U-NI-TYYYY…Good to see u again bro. We see each other pretty often considering the distance and all, so this ‘ill miss u’ type comment is a little pointless, but it was great hanging out man. Just to let everyone know were gona start making extremely cool t-shirts, probably one line and mono-colored for cost factor and sell them for 10$ a piece. Ivan I can split it 80/20 with u lol
Adrian-Watch Nacho Libre and learn the Encarnacion song man. Eres un tronco e’genio loco. Your hook for our song game was perfect. Good to see someone in this family has musical talent. You too Ivan.
Mom and Dad-well we all know they aren’t gonna read this, especially pop doesn’t know what the heck a mouse does. But it was pretty cool seeing for the first time my dad expressing his patriotism on 4th of July ‘jes, I am bery gud American peepol’ and NOT the first time seeing my mom down a bottle of wine. Como te queremos mami y papi..
GUA-RA-NA-TIE-IT IS, means ‘what time is it’ or some funky version of it in broken up English. What time is it? I ask myself, time to bounce. People very nice seeing and meeting you all. If we don’t see each other again, ‘theres always the next life, in this train ride of a life’. Con mucho amor..
I have to tell you, I am still smiling from this weekend. I think Re Anne says it best with "My cup runneth over." This whole weekend was filled with so much love and happiness that it is impossible not to smile and laugh! Thank you to everyone for letting me share in it. You are right Adrian, it was nothing less than magical. I love each and everyone one of you that shared in this special weekend - Idalis & Kevin, the entire Alvarez family, the entire Perkins family, Sarah & Shawn and of course, Aphrodite. Now for a little revision to my line: "This post is over, it has come to an end. I'm so happy to call you all my friends!" Peace and love to you all!!!!!!
'mana! wow reading this gave me chills, tears, laughs and a fantastic urge to use the bathroom. this trip was beyond amazing. not only for seeing you and kevin but for so many other things. spending the week together as a family was a show as to how palpable love can really be. i havent felt that in a long time. im so happy to see you taking life and doing what you damn well please with it. thats been the best lesson for me. kevin, i gotta thank you for things i cant even explain. thanks for lending an ear and motivatin' a nigga. thats as best as i can put it. it was very nice meeting your family and like "Rianna" said, it was nice seeing all our different personalities and flavors blend. it was like the suenalo of life. i find it hard to explain a lot of what i feel right now and im forgetting thousands of things but ill just leave you guys with an i love you both berry berry berry much and ill shout that "high above the chimney tops"!
Kevin & Idalis,
I just wanted to say congrats & farewell! I am disappointed to have missed the party. I don’t know if you heard but Sierra got very sick. I apologize! Have a great time in your travels & take plenty of pictures!
<3, Lauren
I have the most amazing family, the best woman in the world and just when I thought it could not get any better, I get four more brothers and a new set of berry good american parents. This post is on fire! Please keep it up, we love it. Every time we return to the blog, there are more posts!
This week was amazing. A true lesson in the power of love. I am still riding the wave of excitement and fun! So many experiences, so many stories. May we work hard to keep these feelings fresh and to remember those things in life that are most important!
Lauren, don't worry about missing the party. We will be having another one for the famiy on the weekend of August 8th. I'll give you the details. I hope Sierra is feeling better. Tell Jason we say hello!
Alright everyone, we need to reconvene! There is a HUGE problem - I lost my smile! I have suddenly turned into this blubbering mess. I have been crying constantly. Every morning when i get ready for work - I cry; we watched this youtube video of some guy that travels the world - I cried; Idalis left for North Carolina - I cried; Kevin stopped by my desk at work to drop of something I had asked for from his office when he left - I cried; I stubbed my toe - what happened? you guessed it - I cried. I went to yoga last night and we consentrated on heart opening exercises - I was like NO! I need to close this thing back up!!;-) Kevin and Idalis - as if I haven't said it many times before -I will miss you guys immensely! Love to you!
What is the meaning of life? To that end, what is meant by the meaning of life? Is it the meaning of human life in general, or the meaning of life to each particular person living it? Many people find the question of the meaning of life a religious one. As Alex argues, our lives could stand for something or be given meaning by a deity just as we give meaning to the words we utter. But, Robert objects, why should we have meaning simply because we were created by God? There is always the question of how God got his/her meaning. Furthermore, as Rick argued, human beings could just as plausibly be ends in themselves with the autonomy to define their own meaning for their lives. Even if there isn't an answer to the question of life's meanint, there is still the need to get through the day to day. Perhaps the question is not so much about the meaning of life, but about living it; answering the question “How should I live?” and finding something beyond yourself to help discover an answer.
I've been feeling somewhat the same. Ok, not as much as crying all the time. But you're post made me laugh. Especially the yoga part. I think all of us are still in a bit of a "funk". Many mixed emotions; all healthy and all are good. You're not alone. Keep in mind that K&I will be back someday. And we will hear from them. That keeps me going. But i know what you mean. I went cruisin' on my skateboard today for about half hour. All the while, I was wishing Kevin was around (don't cry...hold it back!). I won't be there to see them leave, so it may be a little easier for me to cope with. As their time approaches think of all the good times already had and how many more great ones there will be when they return. I miss everyone already. Wish you were here. Scratch that, I wish I was there! Paz, Amor, y Felicidad. Ciao!
Wow, in a strange way I feel like I am reading my own eulogy! What is going on here people? We are not dead. In fact, quite the opposite! Of course you know I am just kidding.
Right now, everything is fine and dandy. But the minute we get on that plane, I guarantee we are two blubbering fools! We are going to miss each and every one of you guys. I cannot say enough about how incredibly life changing the last few weeks have been.
We should all just promise to stay in touch and to keep a finger on each other's pulse. We will benefit from hearing about your adventures and hopefully you will benefit from hearing about ours. And last, in times of sadness or sorrow, just think about the party that we are gonna have when we get back!!!!
I wish I was there to skate with you too Coco Pelao!!!!
Dear Uncle Kevin and Tia Idalis...MAAA! Bah-bay. Naw-nee, naw-nee. Um-mee-mee. Gee-gah, gee-gah, gee-gah. A-mom!
I Love You, Jeremy
To Jeremy: Your English is getting very good! I miss your Baba Juicy and Comfy Comfy. I can't wait to see both (and you!) again soon.
To Katie: Don't cry! It's all wonderful stuff. Bittersweet, yes, but very positive things are happening. But, I know how you feel. I'm out here in North Carolina for three weeks, and I'm definitely missing everyone, too :(
To Kevin: Amor, I miss you! And Aphrodite! I love you and can't wait to be near you again.
To my brothers: Don't get in a funk. Just start planning where you're going to meet Kevin and I on the trip ;) Bali, anyone?
I love you all ... Idalís/MumMum/Tia/Sis
I had such a great time getting to know everyone. Ivan and Adrian, you both have incredible talent and I wish you both the best in your future musical debuts. Both of you are incredible people and have such warm and friendly personalities. I look forward to more get togethers in the future. Maybe next time you can show me a couple tricks on the wakeboard. I'll hopefully have a board that won't make your feet turn red by then!! LOL Sarah
I was down in Ocean City, NJ and I made the stupid mistake of going into one of the surf shops down there. I look up behind the counter and there it was. Bamboo board w/ amazing graphics and a kicktail..."Bingin" model. As tempted as I was to buy this one, I held back and thought the board i have is perfect! But i could really shoot myself sometimes. The waves were great. I wish i could've stayed a couple days longer.
Last night i couldn't sleep. It was a very long day. Physically and mentally. But i learned something: I truly have the best family i could've ever asked for...HANDS DOWN! And now with the acquisition of another family (Perkins), i know i will never be short of happiness. Unfortunately, i also learned the true colors of a lot of people around here (jersey). Just the biggest contrast i could've ever imagined between two groups of people. And it sucks because i came home from a week in bliss to a week of sheer headaches. I continue to check this blog for some uplifting moments and the greatest vacation i've ever taken. Thanks again to everyone.
So my method of falling asleep consisted of going on I think it's time to chase the horizon. Maybe not right now (i wish), but within a couple of years (2 or 3). There's more to see and more to life than this four-walled world of mine. K&I, what i take away with me the most when i think about your voyage is exactly this: life is too beautiful to put your true happiness on the back burner, there's a whole world out there waiting to be explored, and simplify, simplify, simplify. K&I and friends your trip will continue to open my eyes to so much.
Sarah, thanks for your compliments. At times i think we sound terrible. But i think we have a lot of potential, especially ivan. So i hope he takes that and runs with it. Runs with his own guitar of course. Mine stays here. Wherever our roads lead us, everyone will be remembered.
P.S. I heard wakeboarding is a lot like surfing (i disagree). so i attached a pair of my 9 inch boots to my surfboard with some duct tape and epoxy glue. I'll let you try it out and then you tell me how it works out for you. How's that?
Paz, Amor, y Felicidad. Ciao!
Adrian - You are absolutely right! There is always more to see and more life to live!! As a former resident of "a four-walled world" I realized one day that life was too short!! I was stuck in a rut so I packed my bags and got out!! is where it all started for me too!! It took me awhile to get up the nerve but one day it just hit me - it was time to move on! So, I found my way here to Miami Beach and have become thankful every day for my new life and all the beautiful people that have entered into it. Not to say I don't love and miss everyone I left in NJ because I certainly do but, using a quote I have used so many times before in my life - "Working on a mystery, going wherever it leads!!" Adventure awaits Adrian!! Be happy!! You deserve it!
Everyone deserves happiness! That is really the bottom line. Happiness may mean different things to different people, but whatever your particular happiness is, you should most certainly pursue it!
Idalis and I are within one month of taking off in search of what this world has to offer. However, you must recall that this endeavor is about three years in the making. We live in a scoiety that increases its speed every day. It is hard sometimes to find patience and perseverance. You have to be able to set your eyes on the prize and focus on that goal, allowing for minimul interruptions. Also, simplifying our lives has been one of the most refreshing events I can recall. It is absolutely amazing how little one needs to find happiness. Clutter cuts clarity. Remove the distractions. Remove what does not work. Find peace. Find happiness! I think I just got the theme for the next post. Is it okay to plagerize ones self?
To everyone that has commented on this post, we love you! Thank you again for all of your support, love, time and talents! Idalis and I are incredibly lucky as we BOTH have the most incredible families. Allowing the past to remain in the past, I really think we are on to something larger than all of us. As much as I want this trip to last forever, I am extremely excited about the prospects upon our return.
Please stay active and always in motion. Please keep chasing your dreams and please continue to post as your comments bring us 'happiness'!
P.S. Adrian, the board you got is the one you are supposed to have. Enjoy it!
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