Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today, I learned I love to give. This seemingly simple plan we had to travel has become incredibly profound. Moreso than I would have ever imagined. The best way I can explain it is that a switch kind of goes off in your mind. I don't have any kids and don't dare compare traveling around the world to rearing children, but I have to imagine that they both have similar effects on one's psyche. You see, once a person knows that they are expecting, they begin to go through radical changes. Priorities shift, interests change and focus graduates.

Through the last few months, Idalis and I have worked to minimize and simplify. I find it amazing that everything that is the culmination of two people with 69 combined years of life on this planet will ultimately fit into one 5' x 10' warehouse here at home and two backpacks that will accompany us around the world. We have learned to consolidate and eliminate. In the process, quite unintentionally I might add, we have also learned to almost completely detach from all but the basic of material goods. With the exception of a few sentimental pieces, I have lost most of my lust and desire for things.

This simple lesson in life has brought me to the point that I reached today. In other words, I learned I love to give. The joy of passing on some of what were my most valued possessions to friends, families and even strangers has managed to bring me great pleasure, relief and satisfaction. When you cut it to the quick, you realize that one does not really need much in life to truly be happy. Food, shelter, clothing (optional) and love is enough to sustain a life.

For those of you out there who are actually following this blog, I assume that you may need to brace for what may become a burst of random thoughts, some unintelligible, that will probably be flowing as a result of our radically changing lives. This should also get me in the habit of posting consistently.

Please Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

If you have any devlied eggs laying around that you weren't going to eat...I'll take them!!

Good luck to both of you...we'll be following along on your blog! said...

Yo Mr. Grabosky what is happening? How's the married life? Tired of that question?

You know that my deviled eggs are your deviled eggs. I will try to dig them out of the back of the warehouse this weekend for you!!!

Take care! We'll be looking for comments from you in the future with a healthy dose of sarcasm and humor, of course!!!

Anonymous said...

I have my school calender for the coming school year and my winter break is from Dec 20th- Jan 3rd. Will you still be in India at that time? I looked at tickets and they are around 2,000 to New Dehli. Is that the best place to fly into? Let me know because I really want to meet you over my winter break.

Anonymous said...

Well, I have had a child and am in the process of rearing him. I have not traveled the world. But, oh the changes that it brings to one's life. I have had enough of a life change to lose material things to a divorce. And then, when just getting on my feet, lost even more to a horrible mistake. (The only gain from that mistake being the most beautiful blessing of a little boy that I have ever lain eyes apologies to any other parents but my eyes find the most beauty in my own offspring.) Downsizing, downsizing, downsizing...all while opening my heart and growing. Your journey is not a child, but it is your baby, and through it I pray that your downsizing leads to further opening of your hearts to each other and to others and a continual growing. My son will watch his Uncle and Tia as they travel the world, he will continue to carry your picture around kissing and hugging it and he will always be reminded that you love him and that you are an example of setting a goal and reaching for and attaining that dream. We all should be so perseverant and dedicated in everything we do. My cup runneth over!!