Last Friday, February 29th, the day that did not exist (leap year), we scheduled to take the day off and visit our friends Andre and Mercy at the Dade County Health Department Clinic. We had hoped (I use this term loosely) to get three more of the necessary vaccinations. However, we were only able to get two, our second Hep B shot, in a series of three, and Typhoid Fever. Unfortunately, there appears to be an outbreak of Yellow Fever in South America and the only manufacturer of the vaccine is kindly forwarding most of its supply down there to assist. Therefore, the DCHD has a limited supply and we must first make an appointment, which we will do with the hopes to have it coincide with the next series of shots, which will include Japanese Encephalitis.
I enter this post on Monday, March 3rd (Happy Monthiversary Mum) which happens to be almost exactly five months before take off. The pressure is building. Still seems like so much to do, and there is. Idalis took the initiative to sign us up for the hospitalityclub.org, highly recommended. This is a sight that unites like minded people that love to travel and offer up either a place to stay, an escort around town or a home cooked meal. We have been lucky enough to receive several responses from people from all over the world who are interested in having us visit. Most recently, Cesare from southern Italy, who has a band that makes great music and is interested in the Surfrider Foundation.
The closer the date gets, the more real this whole trip becomes. I would like to thank every one of our friends and family for all of your love and support. This is an incredible experience that we will embark upon. We feel extremely fortunate to be in this position and could only hope that anyone out there who reads and follows this post is able to realize that what once was a dream has actually become reality and all it took was some sacrifice, a clear goal and the support of people around you. The information is out there, in abundance, and the ice has been broken by those who have already charted their own course for adventure. Never let anyone tell you that you cannot do something. If you are not happy with your current situation, you are really the only one that can change it. Do not let your life pass you by and do not live with regrets. Get out there and live, take chances and know that the forces of the universe will conspire in your favor if your intentions are pure and your heart is open!
Hi Kevin...I really enjoyed catching up on your blog news!
You are a writing talent. When you were growing up, I used to tell you that if I gave you a word you'd make a sentence and with a sentence you'd make a paragraph!
I can hardly believe that you and Idalis will be leaving in 5 months.
That means Italy is not far off for Dad and I. We are really looking forward to meeting you there. Keep writing...I love you...
Vagamom :-)
This is a most excellent idea come to life! I pray you both are safe and that you discover the world is quite small, especially the one that exists between the two of you.
All my best wishes,
Hey Professor. This is Enrique, I dropped your class but looks like we are doing the same thing! I am gone May 1st to travel as well. If you and your partner are ever in Southern Africa (S. Africa, Zim, Botswana, Madagascar, Zam...etc) Drop me an email I am bound to be somewhere in there-hopefully not near a computer but you never know! Reekay10@aol.com
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