Seeing as the previous posts seem to coincide with the most memorable portions of this adventure thus far, that being immunizations, I have decided to continue the theme. On Tuesday, April 15th, Idalis and I were joined by our friend Katie as we ventured down to the Dade County CDC clinic for another round of shots. Idalis and I had an appointment at 10am for 'yellow fever' shots and Katie began her immunizations with the marathon five shot series. She has decided to meet us in India. The one place that requires more combined immunizations than any other. Better to be safe than sorry. We have welcomed another member to the blood cocktail gang.
According to the countdown on my calendar, I have 77 days left of work and approximately 99 until we leave for our first stop, Madrid, Spain. We are now down to double digits and it seems time to start to freaking out. However, plans are progressing rather well and I believe we have managed to stay ahead of the schedule in my head. Having not had the benefit of attempting to travel around the world before, the schedule in my head may be completely off and the sense of calm and control I feel may be completely unfounded.
As mentioned before, I have 77 days left of work. Although my official mid-life retirement date from the City of Miami Beach Planning Department is July 31st, July 3rd will actually be the last day that I will be physically present, seeing as I have sick time to exhaust. Coincidentally, that happens to be the day before July 4th, which is 'Independence' Day. That worked out quite well. I will be unemployed for the first time in 17.5 years. And just to add some chaos to the mix, Idalis has decided to take a position with the National Teaching Board providing training in Phoenix, Arizona for pretty much the whole month of June and then in Charlotte, North Carolina for most of July. This is down to the wire, skin of your teeth kind of stuff. If it wasn't insane, we probably wouldn't be into it. Talk to you the next time we go under the needle!